Where Am I

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Hiccup POV

When I was awoken I immediately noticed that I was in way less pain. I then noticed that while I was out someone had taken care of my arrow wounds. I guess they didn't want there newest catch dying from blood loss. I still had the muzzle on and I was still curled up in a ball in a cage. When I opened my eyes I saw that I was on a ship in the middle of nowhere. The dragons from earlier were on the ship as well as the hunters. My whole body still ached and I didn't have much energy so I just stayed on the floor. Instead I just laid my head where I could see what was happening around me. There were many hunters. I noticed there was a ship on each side of this one. Each filled with hunters and dragons. Both dragons in cages and the dragons that chased me earlier. I still had no clue where I was being taken. Then a shadow had come across the ground I was laying in. I looked up to see the man, that the girl had called Krogan, was looking down at me. He didn't say anything, he was staring at me smiling. At that point I just looked away from him. A moment later I heard something. It sounded like struggling. I looked to my right amd about seven feet away there was a cage similar to mine. I didn't know how I had missed it before. It had people in it. They were the same six people. There dragons must have been below deck or something. The girl was trying to bust her way out. I would've been doing the same but I would rather be resting. I was lucky they had decided to care for my wounds. Otherwise, sooner or later, I would have died. After about five minutes the girl had given up. That's when she noticed me. "Oh my gods, Hiccup are you okay." She asked me. I guess she must have seen the slightly bloodied bandages. When she did ask me all the others immediately turned their heads toward me. I didn't know how to respond so I just stared at them. "Uh... we could totally take these guys." One of them complained. "Yeah right" another said. I just turned my head back around and faced the other direction. I soon drifted off to sleep. When I woke up again the ship was no longer moving and it was much darker out than before with the moon shining down from the sky. The cage with the humans was unloaded first. They had opened the door and they all got there hands tied together. They were then escorted someplace else. Then they came to me. They opened up the cage door but they did it much slower and there were a lot more people around to make sure I would try to escape. I was still a little sore but I managed to get up. When I did get up a small jolt of pain came from my side, definitely not as bad as before. They said I could either cooperate or have an unpleasant experience while going to the new destination. I decided to cooperate. We walked onto an island that had many hunters and flyers. As we continued we walked past hundreds of cages each with a dragon. At the end of a row of cages was an empty one, which was now mine. It was next to a big tent. They pushed me in and slammed the door. Then Krogan walked by and looked down at me and smiled. He smiles at me a lot but I am not sure why. "Viggo will be happy to see you" he said. I wasn't sure who Viggo was but he didn't sound nice. And what did Krogan mean happy to see me. Krogan then turned away and walked into a big tent. In the cage across from me were the humans. Why can't I get a break from these guys. There were two sitting in the ground, three probably trying to figure out how to escape, and one standing there doing nothing. I looked around at my environment. It was just rows of caches. As well as trees. I began to think of possible escape routes. If i did get out I would need to get far away and hide. I was still too injured to just fly away. Getting away would be hard though because there were hunters everywhere. I would need move stealthy and fast. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to get out of here. At least not for true time being. There was nothing to do but sit and await what was to come next.


Krogan had walked into the giant tent. The tent was dimly lit with 4 small lanterns. Viggo was sitting at a table with some maps. "Come back from your patrol have you" said Viggo. "Yes. And with quite the catch actually." Said Krogan sounding proud of himself. "And what might that be" asked Viggo looking up from his maps. "We managed to catch all of the riders." Started Krogan. "Even Hiccup?" Interrupted Viggo. "Yes, but not in a way I would ever expect to see him" finished Krogan. "How is that" asked Viggo. "How about you come see for your self." Said Krogan while turning and starting to head out of the tent. Viggo rolled his eyes and stood up to follow Krogan. When He exited the tent Krogan was pointing toward a cage. At first Viggo did not see anything in it. He was about to say something when he moved and the moonlight was now on the cage revealing what was actually inside. Viggo was shocked by what he saw. He almost didn't believe it although it was right in front of him. "How... how is this possible" Said Viggo. "I wish I knew the answer to that" replied Krogan. Viggo then turned to see the cage containing the riders. "Do any of you know how this happened" asked Krogan. "Even if we did know, why would we tell you." Said Heather. "One way or another you will tell us what you know." Threatened Krogan. Hiccup laid in an uneasy sleep that night thinking about what was to come. No one knew what would come tomorrow.

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