Lost Control (part 1)

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Hiccup POV

I woke up the next morning feeling well rested. I went downstairs and saw that my dad was already out for the day. I headed out to find the gang and sure enough I found near the training arena. "Hey guys" I said. " Hey Hiccup" said Astrid. " we've been just hanging around, if that's okay with you." She said. " oh yeah that's fine I was planning on doing the same thing." I replied to her with a smile on my face. Honestly all I wanted to do today was relax. Most of the morning I just walked around till I eventually found my dad. " hey dad" I said. " oh hey son, how's your morning going so far." He asks me. " it's going great dad." That was a little bit of a lie. I had already heard the call twice this morning. Both times were tolerable but still twice in that little amount of time. It kinda worried me. Not even my own father knows about this so. I guess he sort of saw through my lie through the worried tone in my voice. "Is something bothering you Hiccup?" Great. " No dad, I'm fine." I say. Good thing this time is he bought it. He went back to work and I walked around a little more. I was thinking why I heard the call twice in such a short time frame. It worried me for what may be coming soon. Then while I was thinking Astrid came over to me. " hey Hiccup. How's your day going so far" she asked me. "It's fine" I replied. " is there something wrong?" She asked. " what no I fine, everything's fine." "Are you sure. Hiccup you can't keep hiding your problems. That's how you end up with one big problem." " I just have a headache that's all" I said hoping she would give up and leave. " are you sure that's all. Is there something your not telling me" she asked staring me right in the eye. Why is she so good at this. " no Astrid I am fine." " okay if you say so" she said as she walked away. Phew. I walked for a while more when I just stopped. I felt the same aching feeling I had been before but it was far more intense. I to work hard just so I didn't collapse right there. All I could think was oh no. I knew it was coming. I just had to brace my self for it. I was not ready for what came. A huge wave of pain washed over me. It was intense pain. I could hardly bare it. Then the pain got worse. Then I heard the call. My hands were on my head and all I could say was " please... just stop" I begged but it didn't  stop. It only got worse. I could sense people around me. I was beginning to panic. If I couldn't resist it there was no telling what would happen to these people. All I knew was that it wouldn't be good. They were saying something but I couldn't make it out it was to muffled sounding to me. " just stop" is what I said in a low whisper. I could tell I was losing this battle. The pain was becoming unbearable. I just wanted to scream my heart out. Everything hurt. I felt someone put they're hands on my shoulders. It was my dad. Oh no. If I lost now he would most likely be the first one hurt and he was the last person I would ever want to hurt. He was saying something but I couldn't hear him. I was shaking all over. I just wanted to give up. To end the pain. But then others would be hurt by my actions. They would be hurt because I was to weak to keep fighting. I could barley breath. As I opened my eyes a little I could tell my vision was blurred. But it was just visible enough to see the look of worry and concern on my fathers face. Then as I closed my eyes again I lost it. I lost the fight. The call had finally won.

" I....



Is what I said. From that point I had begun to change. It had won.

Stoick POV

After I talked with Hiccup and he walked away I went back to my Chiefly duties. Not ten minutes later I hear someone calling my name. It was Astrid. "Chief there is something wrong with Hiccup." She said out of breath. I then got worried as I
followed her to presumably where Hiccup was. There was a huge crowd. I in pushed through the crowd to see my son standing in the middle holding his head and looking as if he was on the verge of panic and tears. I could tell he was in pain and a lot of it. " it's okay son just breath" I wasn't sure if could actually hear me because he didn't change at all. " someone get Gothi!" I yell. I hear hiccup make a noise. I sound a lot like a dragon in distress. That's odd. I see him open his eyes a little and look up at me. He was scared. I could see it in his eyes. He then made another dragon noise before he stood still for a second before I heard him say, " I.... cannot.... fight.... anymore" then he.... growled at me. " what do mean son. Tell me what's wrong". I looked him in the eyes. I wish I hadn't. His eyes had turned to slits. He lowered his hands from his head. I backed away in fear of what I just saw. What was happening to my son?"

Astrid POV

I watched as Hiccup slowly lowered himself to the ground. What's happening. I looked at the rest of the gang who was behind me. They all looked concerned. What was happening to Hiccup! I watched as a single tear fell from his eye and into the ground when suddenly ear plates of a night fury came out of his head. He growled and hissed as night fury spines shot is from his back along with wings and a tail. What just happened? Why didn't he tell us about this. Unless he didn't know himself. I saw his eyes. They had turned to slits. He looked around at everyone then growled once more. Was he going to attack us?

I want everyone to know that the picture up top is what Hiccup looks like in hybrid form. Except that his hands and legs are still normal and human like. I couldn't find a picture that looks like that and I am an awful drawer so... yeah this is what I was left with. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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