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Astrid POV

I woke up the next morning to see everything the same as it had been. Snotlout, Heather, and Fishlegs were also up. A guard came by a couple minutes later and gave us some food. It wasn't a whole lot but it was something. The hunters were walking up and down the rows making sure no one was trying any funny business. One of the dragons snapped at the hunter walking by so he slammed his sword against the cage, scaring the dragon. It also scared Hiccup because I looked over just in to see him disappear like a change wing. Fishlegs also saw it because from behind me he said "woah!". Seconds later Viggo and Krogan came out to see what all the commotion was. When they figured it out they were about to head back into the tent but then Krogan tapped Viggo and pointed at Hiccups cage, who was still hidden. Viggo's eyes widened when he looked at the 'empty' cage. "Where did he go!" Viggo shouted. "I assure you he's still there." I told him. Heather looked at me confused. She hadn't seen him disappear like Fishlegs and I did. "Astrid there's nothing there." She whispered. "Yes there is, just wait." I said. A minute later Hiccup decloaked and was once again visible. This time everyone had seen it, and they were all blown away. "Fascinating" I heard Krogan say to himself. It truly was fascinating. The both of them then went back to there business and left us alone. "Do you think anyone is gonna come save us, because I do not like it here." Complained Snotlout. "Yes, I do. Just give them time." I said.

Stoick POV

We were having a meeting in the great hall about what the plan was to rescue the riders. We had been able to find the island they were taken to but we still needed a good plan. "Does anyone have any ideas" I said. It was silent. This was our second meeting and still no one had a good idea. "Maybe..... if we have half of our flyers come in low and half come in high then we can have an element of suprise." Said Spitelout. "That's a good start" I said. I thought for a minute. "Actually I think that's a great start. We will have half of the A-team come in low to the waters surface to start. Then while the hunters are distracted we can have the other half swoop in and save them." I explained. Everyone talked for a minute and then agreed. "Alright then. I want everyone ready, we leave in about an hour." I said and everyone dispersed. Toothless, who hadn't been taken by the flyers, was next to me looking up at me with his big green eyes. "Don't worry boy, we'll get Hiccup back." I went off to get Skullcrusher ready. Toothless was following not to far behind me. "No toothelss, you have to stay. It'll be safer if you stay." I said. He whined. "No toothless, you stay." I then continued walking and toothless had stopped following me.

About an hour later the A-team, Gobber, and I were all ready to go. We took off and headed to the hunters island. "We're coming Hiccup"

Hiccup POV

It was sunset. We had been hear for about 3 days now, and I was getting tired off it. My chest still hurt from earlier so I just laid down. There wasn't much to do here other than stare at people as they go by. But sometimes that can lead to punishment. So now I just stare at the ground instead. I really wanted to bust out of here but I was afraid of the consequences that would follow if they caught me. These people frightened me. Not only were they much bigger than me, but they had weapons and were good at using them too. Even if I tried to just fly away they could shoot me down with an arrow.

By the time the sun went down I was pretty tired. I laid my head down, wrapped myself in my wings and drifted off to sleep. No more than 10 minutes later I am awoken by shouting. It was the hunters shouting. The I saw about 4 dragons, all with people on their backs come in and fire at the hunters. Then I heard others dragons roar and the hunters dragons were now up in the air. 5 more dragons with people silently came down and landed by the cages. They busted open the people's cage and then came and did the same to mine. They had also freed 5 other dragons. A nadder, zippleback, monstrous nightmare, razorwhip, and a gronkle. Then the people got on those dragons and 4 took off. The last one, who was the girl, looked back at me and said "come Hiccup we got to go" I then stepped out of my cage spread my wings and took off with her into the night. The rest of the people had also made it out and had joined us in the sky. I still had my muzzle on which annoyed me but I had no way to take it off right now because the hunters had the key to it. I didn't matter though, I was finally off that island. It felt good to fly again. It felt so good I had almost completely forgotten about the pain in my chest. I decided to follow the others because I wasn't sure where else to go. Every now and then they would all look back at me. I wasn't sure why but it didn't bother me too much. Soon we had arrived back at the island I was on before. I wasn't sure how I felt about being back here though. The others all got off of there dragons. Immediately another night fury had come running toward me, knocking me to the ground, and started licking my face. I didn't fight him because I felt like I knew this dragon from somewhere. After he finished I got up and tried to shake most of the saliva off. It didn't really work though. The six people I had been stuck with and walked over to me. They all looked kinda sad. "Hiccup you know you have to go back into the arena right." the girl said. My ear plates dropped. I feared she would say that. I started walking towards the arena. When I got there they opened the gate for me and I walked in. I stood on the floor for a minute before spreading my wings and jumping up to hang form the center by my tail to sleep. I closed myself my wings and let sleep claim me.

Fishlegs POV

When I woke up the next morning, I got out of bed and headed straight for the arena just like Astrid had told us to do. When I got there everyone else was already there. "Okay, first we need to get that muzzle thing off so he can eat and be comfortable." Said Astrid. I looked into the arena at Hiccup who still wasn't awake. Okay Fishlegs you are gonna come with me into the arena." Said Astrid. That made me nervous. Heather opened the gate and we entered. She was then shut it but stayed right where she was in case we needed to make a quick exit. We approached Hiccup very slowly who still wasn't awake. "Hiccup. Come on you need to get up so we can help you." That did it. Hiccup unfolded his wings and stared down at us. His eyes were slightly slit. He then came down and just stared at us. Astrid pulled out a cooked fish which he actually seemed interested in. I guess even as a dragon he still likes cooked food more than raw. His pupils expanded a bit as he watched the fish. "Okay if you want this you have to let us help you first." He looked at us for a minute before he let us come closer. At first Astrid tried to pull apart the latch in the back but that didn't work. Then we tried to pull it from the front but that didn't work either. Out of no where Tuffnut had entered the arena. "Allow me to use my expert lock picking skills to help our dear Hiccup." He said. Astrid and I just stared at him. "Fine go ahead. I don't think it's going to work but you can try." I said. He then pulled out a small piece of metal and got to work. Surprisingly five minutes later it was unlock and he took it off. Astrid and I were both dumbfounded. We then gave Hiccup the fish, which he gladly enjoyed, and left the arena.

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