Into The Forest

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Heather POV

We were at the edge of the forest. We had everything we needed including a net and some dragon root arrows just in case it came to that point. "Okay guys lets go" Astrid said as she started walking toward the forest. We all had our dragons for tracking and protection. We didn't know how hard it would be to find him but we hoped that we would be able to find him before it got too dark. Because once it got too dark there would be almost no possible way to see him. "Everyone stick together and try to keep a fast pace. He probably went deep into the woods." Astrid informed us. "Wouldn't it be better to slit up so we can search more ground." Asked Tuffnut. Astrid turned around and looked him " no Tuff because if we do find him we have a better chance of standing up for ourselves if we are in a larger group. So we will not be splitting up" she said obviously a little annoyed. "Where do you think he might be?" I asked Astrid. "Well the first place I want to check is the cove. It's where Hiccup first met Toothless." I nodded my head and we all followed Astrid. She was determined to get there in the smallest amount of time possible because I could tell the others were having a little bit of a hard time keeping up. "Hey Astrid...." Fishlegs said catching his breath.      " you think you could slow down a bit." Astrid signed and stopped letting them catch up. " don't worry Astrid. We'll find him. I promise" I said trying to reassure her. " I know we will. We have to. I don't know what we'll do if we don't." Finally after about five minutes we reached the cove. We found no trace of Hiccup being here at all. "I hoped he would be here." Astrid said. Toothless whined. He looked at Astrid with a sad face. " I know toothless. Don't worry we'll find him." She said to reassure him. Suddenly toothless stuck his head up and began to sniff the air. "I think he's got something." I say. Toothless the moved his head forward like he was saying for us to follow him. " come on guys." I say and they all get up and follow. Toothless kept going following a scent. Had he found Hiccup or at least a clue to where he was. Then he stopped and sniffed a bush. He blew on the bush and reached in and pulled out a dead rabbit. Fishlegs nearly passed out. Astrid looked at it and said "it's still fresh and if Hiccup did this then he must not be to far." I could tell by the look on her face when she saw the rabbit that she didn't want to believe that Hiccup would do something like that. None of us did. He's usually so sweet and kind and just the kind of person you want to be around. Not a cold blooded killer. It was unnerving to think about. We kept walking deeper into the woods or what felt like forever but it was only about an hour. It was starting to get dark but Astrid didn't want to quit. We agreed to search for a little longer. About twenty minutes later we come across another clue. Hiccups prosthetic leg was just laying on the ground. "That's odd" I hear Astrid say. " we must be gettin closer I can fell it." She says. "Astrid it's getting late. Maybe we should head back." I say trying to persuade her. " no we can't just give up. He needs our help." She says. I was about to say something again when we hear toothless growl. He then starts moving foward. Astrid was still carrying Hiccup's prosthetic leg as she followed toothless. A couple minutes later he stops and growls at a.... tree? "Stormfly, slow burn" Astrid said to her dragon. Stormfly emit a small light and we see what toothless was actually growling at. We stared in shock as we look up to see Hiccup hanging from a tree. Cocooned in his wings. Sleeping. "Wow" I hear Fishlegs say from behind us.   "Snotlout bring the net" Astrid whispers. Snotlout steps forward but steps in a branch with a loud Snap! Oh no.

Hiccup POV

I was sleeping peacefully when I was awoken by a loud snap. The other side of me instantly took control. I slowly removed my head from the safety of my wings and looked down. I saw humans. I saw prey. I slowly spread my wings and lowered myself to the ground. I saw fear. I saw weakness. I growled defensively telling them to leave. They didn't leave. Big mistake. I growled again giving them one more chance. I split my one row of spines into two and set off a few sparks as a warning. They still didn't leave. I saw they had a net. They also all had other dragons. I wasn't sure if I could take in five dragons at once, but if they moved any closer I was going to find out. I hissed at them and they still didn't move. And for some reason that made me mad. Real mad.

Astrid POV

I watched in horror as Hiccup slowly lowered himself from the branch he was sleeping on. This just got a whole lot harder. I did notice that he was walking on only three limbs instead of four. He growled trying to tell us to leave. We couldn't just leave now especially when we know where he is. He growled again, he look at Snotlout who had the net and hissed. He felt threatened. "Hey Hiccup, it's okay. We're right here. We only want to help you" I said. I wasn't sure if he could hear me or if he just wouldn't listen. He once again, like he did earlier, split his spines into two rows and I saw a few sparks he was giving us another chance to leave. "Snotlout get an arrow ready" I said reluctantly but what other choice did we have. I didn't want anyone to get hurt. Snotlout pulled out an arrow and Hiccups head and Ear plates shot up. Oh no. He started to circle us keeping a close eye on our every movement. I could see Fishlegs was freaking out. " Fishlegs what ever you do don't..." just like that he took off running and Hiccup immediately followed after him. "move" i finish " come on guys, hurry" I say running off in the direction Fishlegs ran off in. For only having 3 good limbs he sure could move rather fast. It was freaky. "Fishlegs" we called. I heard his panicking cries and head towards them. We eventually found him, thankful he was unharmed. But Hiccup was standing right in front of him. "Fishlegs do not move" I say "you provoked him when you ran so now he's hunting you, so don't move." I move my hand telling Snotlout to give me the bow and arrow. "I am sorry hiccup" I whisper to myself before I let go of the arrow and it hits him in the back. He lets out a shriek if pain sounding exactly like a dragon before he lowers his head and soon collapses. Once we are sure he's gone down I walked forward take out arrow, there was minimal bleeding thankfully, and we wrapped him in the net. Once that was finished we got on our dragons, I got on toothless, and I told Stormfly to carry the net and we headed back to the village.

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