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Hiccup POV

"Well isn't this interesting" I heard the man say. He was looking down and smiling at me. I was so focused on him I didn't notice the man I was holding down slip out from under me. "You leave him alone Krogan." I heard someone else say. It was the same girl who let me out. I started to slowly back up. I looked in front of me to see the same three men standing there with their crossbows pointed at me. "Hiccup run!!" She screamed. I didn't know who she was talking about but I ran. I was running as fast as my three limbs could take me. I looked back and saw the three men chasing me. Not quite keeping up but still trying to. They were firing arrows at me but I easily dodged them. I heard a dragon roar from above. I looked up to see three dragons following me. Soon enough two more dragons joined them. I just kept running. Then out of nowhere the big red dragon, presumably the leader, along with the rest of the dragons had landed right in front of me. The man on top was still smiling. The dragon was getting ready to fire. I was ready to accept my fate when unexpectedly 6 dragons came in and fired at the dragons around me. I saw this as an opportunity so I spread my wings and darted into the air. Of course the lead dragon as well as three others were following me. They were firing, both arrows and dragon fire, at me but I dodged them with ease. I didn't dare look back. I just kept going. Everything was going fine until I felt an arrow hit my left side. It was extremely painful. I let out a pain filled roar. I felt it becoming harder and harder to see straight. But I had to keep flying. I would have been able to keep going if a second arrow hadn't hit my back. That was enough for me. The pain was unbearable. I could hardly see. I started to l lose consciousness and began to fall. When I hit the ground I hit it hard. All I felt was pain. This is why I don't like humans, they are the worst. I opened my eyes slightly. It was still hard to see straight but I knew I had to keep going. I got up despite the pain. Most of the pain came from my side. I reached my hand to my side and when I pulled it back my hand was almost completely red with blood. My blood. It didn't bother me too much. I dragged my way trying to find a place for me to hide. When I got to the edge of the cove I was ready to collapse. I heard people running toward me. I listened carefully and it was the hunters. And there was more than three this time. At least fifteen. At this point I couldn't continue. It would cause too much pain to keep going. I collapsed and fell into cove causing even more pain. Then I lost consciousness and everything went black.

Astrid POV

We found the flyers surrounding Hiccup. "Everyone fire!" I ordered. We fired at the flyers and Hiccup had taken this chance to fly away. He spread his wings and darted into the air. Krogan and a couple others took off after him. I tried to follow but was quickly stopped by the singetails. I hoped Hiccup would come out unharmed. After a few minutes we managed to take down the flyers. I turned around just in time to see Hiccup falling from the sky. "Come on everyone hurry!" I shouted. They all followed me but before we could get to Hiccup we were stopped by Krogan. "Leave him be Krogan, or else..." I threatened. "I am afraid I can not do that Astrid." He said to me. I looked to the ground to see many hunters. They had nets and chains. They were after Hiccup. "No" I said to myself. At this point we were surrounded by Flyers. I tried to get passed them but they stopped me easily. There was nothing we could do. I could see all the others were trying to do the same but we had no luck. We failed. We failed Hiccup.

Hiccup POV

I very slowly started to regain consciousness. I opened my eyes ever so slightly to see that I was no longer in the cove. I was being dragged again the forest floor in a net. There was a strange muzzle like object on my face. It covered my mouth and wrapped around with a buckle on back of my head. I assumed it was so I couldn't easily attack them. Honestly with all the pain I was in I wasn't sure I could attack them any way. I still had an arrow in my back and side. They were still just as painful as before. I closed my eyes hoping all the pain would go away but it didn't. I didn't have the energy nor the strength to fight back right now. There were many men around me, maybe fifteen to twenty. Each of them had a weapon. I wasn't sure where I was being taken. Probably wasn't anywhere good. I was scared. I just wanted to left alone, to be free. There was always someone after me. Why did these men want me so badly. Who are these men. My thoughts were interrupted by a jolt of pain from the arrow in my side. The one in my back was way less painful. I could stand it. The one in my side was a much different story. Not only was the pain unbearable but I losing a decent amount of blood from the wound. Hopefully I can take care of that soon otherwise I may bleed to death.
Soon enough we stopped moving. I didn't have the energy to look around a whole lot, but I did know that we were no longer in the forest, we were on the shore. We then continued moving but this time I was on a ship. I then felt as the net around me was removed and I was placed in a cage. Usually I would of made a break for it but as I have said, the pain was stopping me from doing that. Even if I did try to escape I wasn't sure how far I would get. Everything ached, I could hardly see straight, and the pain I felt was unbearable. So I just laid in the floor of my cage. I wrapped my tail around my body and tried to cover myself up with my wings. Now more than ever I wanted to be free. I was losing consciousness again, most likely from blood loss. A single tear fell from my eye as everything went black.

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