The Flyers pt. 1

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Heather POV

The next day was nothing but misery. Everyone one was in a bad mood and no one wanted to talk about anything. We all knew letting Hiccup go back into the woods was the right thing to do, but that didn't mean it doesn't hurt. Astrid and Toothless are probably in the worst state right now. Who could blame them. Toothless just lost his best friend ever and Astrid just lost her betrothed, and on top of that, no matter how many times I reassure her she still is super worried that Hiccup is going to hurt himself out there. Which a reasonable fear to have but in my opinion she's taking it a bit too far.

As I made my way to the arena I was trying to think of ways to cheer everyone up a little bit, but nothing came to mind. When I got there everyone was just lounging around in the arena, trying to hold on to the last memories of Hiccup being in here. They were being a bit dramatic.

"Guys come one, cheer up a bit. I know were all missing Hiccup but this is not the way we should be spending a good day like this." I said. It really was a good day too. The sun was shining and there were very few clouds in the sky. "Why don't we go for a fly" I attempted a suggestion.

"I have no motivation to do anything right now." said Tuffnut. I just rolled my eyes. "Fine, but we can't just mope around all day." I say, becoming slightly irritated. Then I notice Fishlegs was writing something. I walked over to see clearly what he was doing.

"What are you writing Fishlegs?"

"Oh, glad you asked Heather. I am writing a Terror Mail to the Defenders of The Wing and The Wing Maidens. I figured that, even though Hiccup is off in his own world right now, they might be able to give us more information. It's worth a shot." he explained as he strapped a letter to the legs of two Terrors.

I thought for a minute about his explanation and it made sense. With all the knowledge both tribes have they might have some information on what Hiccup is. Like Fishlegs said 'It's worth a shot.' I mean what harm could it do by asking, even if they don't know either. 

I felt a sudden presence behind me and whipped around to be greeted by Astrid. Her eyes were a light red, and I could see faint tear stains on her cheeks, she had been crying last night. Without even thinking I pulled her into a hug, which she quickly returned. "I'm really going to miss him Heather." she said, her voice slightly cracked. "I know Astrid, but you and I both know it was for the best, he wouldn't of been happy otherwise."

She nodded before speaking again, "I just can't stop worrying about him! What if Krogan and Viggo come back, or what if he gets hurt badly and we aren't there to help him! I just keep thinking of all the ways that tell me it wasn't a good thing to let him wander off." 

I thought about what she said for a moment. She had every right to be concerned. These were real possibilities. I just had to find a way to make her see that we did make the right choice.

"How about this Astrid, you go clean yourself up because, no offense, your looking a little roughed up. Then come meet us back here in an hour or so, I have an idea. Deal?"

At first looked at me with curious eyes before replying, "Deal". "That goes for everyone. You guys go hang out for a bit, calm yourselves, and then meet back here in about an hour." They all nodded their head in agreement.

 As I watched all of them leave, I finally released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I could now have some time to myself without having to console 5 other people. It's not like I wasn't going to miss Hiccup, I guess I just had a better handle on my emotions than the others.

1 Hour Later

 About an hour later we all met back up at the arena just like I instructed. They were all looking much better, especially Astrid who no longer had tear stains on her face and was now looking clean and refreshed.  

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