What Have I Done

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Hiccup POV

I ran. I ran as fast I could into the forest. I didn't stop. I just kept going. Once I was sure I was far enough from the village I slowed down. I looked down at my hands, they were covered in blood. "What have I done" I said to myself. I started to cry. I didn't even know who I hurt but obviously it was bad. I may have killed someone. I kept walking till I got to a little pond. I looked down at my reflection and saw what I was. " what have I become." As I thought about more and more who I may have hurt I felt more tears stream down my face. My first thought was my dad. It would make sense he was the closest to me. I washed off my hands in the pond. I decided that since they all had already seen me like this there was no point in trying to fight it anymore. There was nothing to hide, I was most likely going to fly far away from here so there would be no one to keep safe from me. It was best just to give up. I walked around for a bit. I was thinking where I would sleep for the night. The ground was wet and hard. I didn't want to sleep in a cave just in case it belonged to another dragon. I decide that maybe I could sleep by hanging from a tree like toothless does. I heard a twig snap and my other side instantly took control. My eyes slit and I was scanning the area for any possible threats. I found nothing so I lowered my defense. When I switched back I realized how easy it was for me to lose control of myself when I wasn't fighting It. It would happen instantaneously without me even thinking . I wasn't sure if that was good or bad. Good because I could easily defend myself but bad because if say one of the riders had come looking for me I wouldn't be able to stop myself from harming them. It scared me to think about hurting them. They were my friends. It scared me how easily I would lose control which would most likely cost them their life. A few minutes later I had lost control again without even realizing it. I wanted, no needed to kill something. I began to sniff the air and listen quietly. I managed to pick of the scent of a rabbit not to far away. Wow dragon senses are incredible. I tracked it down by its scent. Staying as low to the ground as possible and being as quiet as possible. When I finally found it I was completely silent. The rabbit stood up on its hind legs and sniffed the air. It could probably smell me too. I stayed completely still, not making a sound. When the rabbit got back down on all fours I took the opportunity to strike. I went straight for it's neck killing it almost instantly. I carried it off somewhere to hide it from other dragons and went in search of a tree to sleep in. As I was running around in search of a tree that would support me all night I had noticed my prosthetic leg would get caught on things like rocks or tree roots. It was getting annoying so I just took it off. At first it was weird to only have 3 limbs to run on but I figured it out. I almost felt like I was actually going faster without it. Finally I found a tree that would support my weight, not that there was much weight to support, all night and had branches high enough that it would be harder to spot me from the ground. I spread my wings and flew up to a branch I thought was suitable. I wrapped my tail around it and slowly let myself fall off and hang from the branch. It felt weird at first but at the same time it felt natural. Like this is what I am supposed to be doing. I wrapped my body with my wings into a cocoon and tucked my head in my wings before I knew it I was fast asleep. It was actually quite comfortable to be sleeping like this. I wasn't sure what tomorrow would be like but that didn't matter right now.

I just want everyone to know that Hiccup can turn into a night fury not just a hybrid. That might come later on, or it might not. I haven't decided.

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