Umbrellas In The Sun

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A/N Ughhhhhhhhhh. I forgot the last time I actually slept longer than half an hour! Also, a really weird thing about me is: I drink my tea with a straw :D 

Disclaimer: I do not own Boku no Hero Academia.

Nejire shielded her eyes from the bright sun as she sighed.

'It's so hot today'  She thought while sighing, once again, but this time louder.

She reluctantly stood up from the bench in the park.

"I regret sitting on that bench, there's so much sweat on my thighs now..." She complained quietly to herself.

She then noticed Uraraka-Chan in the distance, holding an umbrella over her head, looking like the heat had no effect on her.

"Smart girl." She whispered harshly under her breath. The heat was seemingly melting her brain, taking her natural politeness with it.

For some strange reason, she found her thoughts drifting towards a certain navy-haired timid male.

A very cute  navy-haired timid male.

'What would Tama-Kun be doing at this moment in time?'  She mentally questioned

She blushed a deep red upon realising her train of thoughts.

"What am I thinking? The heat must be getting to me..." She said in a slight whisper, clasping her hands over her face.

Nejire continued walking forward. 

What she didn't know was that she was walking towards the direction of the  certain navy-haired timid male.

--------10 Minutes Away--------

Tamaki transferred the groceries from his right hand to his left to get his umbrella out.

'How on earth is it 37 degrees Celsius (A/N 98.6 Fahrenheit) in March?!'  He asked himself mentally, wiping the sweat of his forehead with his (still free) right hand.

Successfully opening his umbrella, he held it over his head and relished in the cool shade.

Sadly the umbrella did not change how humid it was.

Tamaki walked quietly under his umbrella, receiving a few odd looks.(A/N He's holding an umbrella in the sun)

--------5 Minutes Later--------

"Oof!" Nejire huffed out as she collided with a rock hard chest.

The owner of the chest stared down at Nejire apologetically; before realising who she was.

"O-Oh no! N-Nejire-San I apologize!" Tamaki bowed continuously in regret.

"Don't worry Tamaki-Kun, I wasn't really looking where I was going." Nejire replied, waving her hands in front of her face frantically.

Tamaki raised his head and noticed how the sun was affecting Nejire.

"Uh- Nejire-San?" Tamaki called out to her while picking up his bags.

"Yes, Tamaki-Kun?" She tilted her head cutely at him, lifting one of his forgotten bags from the floor.

Tamaki raised the umbrella over his head again, but not only over his head. Also over Nejire's.

"Uwaaa~ Thank you so much Tamaki-Kun! It feels so much better like this." She said, smacking her hands together in happiness.

Nejire took a few of Tamaki's groceries in a way of showing her thanks.

They both nuzzled closer to each other in order to keep out of the scorching sun.

Of course people stared at them like they were mad.

They were using umbrellas in the sun.

A/N I deeply apologise for my inactivity these past few days. My brother was being annoying and wouldn't allow me to use my laptop, and he changed my iPad's password too :(

I promise I'll update tomorrow. Bye guys! ~yeetmeetfeetdelete

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