He just wanted his Dad

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Edmund didn't think he'd ever been so upset, angry or scared in the whole ten years of his life.
He took a deep breath as he wrapped his arms tightly around his dad, who hugged him back straight away, sighing slightly. "I'll be back before you know it Edmund." He said.
Edmund's eyes squeezed shut. "Okay." Was all he managed to force out, tears in his eyes that he forced back. "Promise?" He asked suddenly, pulling away and staring up at his dad.
His dad gave a small chuckle. "I promise." He said firmly.
Edmund nodded slowly. "I'll miss you." He whispered.
"And I'll miss you." His dad replied. "I'll miss you all." He added, looking over Edmund's shoulder at Peter, Susan, Lucy and their mum.
"We'll all miss you too." Susan sighed.
"I promised I'll come back and I will keep that promise." Their dad said.
Edmund nodded slowly. "Love you." He whispered.
"I love you too. All of you." Their dad said as he turned and headed for the door. "And I'll miss you all."
Edmund bit his lip and stepped back to stand beside Peter, leaning against his side and feeling his older brother wrap an arm around his shoulders.
Two seconds later the door opened and closed, telling them that their dad had infact left to go fight in the war.
Edmund swallowed hard and, breaking from Peter's grasp, ran across the living room, jumping onto the sofa and peering out the window.
He just managed to wave to his dad before he disappeared around a corner, causing Edmund to turn around and collapse onto the sofa, tears in his eyes.
He hardly even noticed Peter sitting beside him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and pulling him close.
He didn't move when Lucy climbed up and curled into his side, wrapping an arm around his waist as tightly as she could.
He didn't react at all when Susan sat beside Lucy, leaning over her eight year old sister and wrapping her arm around both him and Peter, sighing slightly as she did.
He made no sign that he had heard his mum when she said that she was going to go and make dinner, her voice tight as she left the room.
He did however hear when Peter whispered the words: "It'll all be fine." In his ear.
His head snapped up to look at him, his eyes widening. "How is any of this going to be fine!" He exclaimed, his voice cracking.
"Ed come on." Peter sighed. "It-"
"No." Edmund cut him off, shaking his head. "For all we know we could never see dad again!"
Lucy's eyes widened at this and she glanced up at Peter, looking extremely worried.
"Ed stop it." Peter said quickly. "You're scaring Lucy."
Edmund glared at him, before breaking free of his siblings grasps and leaving the room.
He ran all the way up the stairs and into the room he shared with his brother, slamming the door behind him - as loud as he could.
Afted standing by the closed door for a long while he ran across the room and jumped onto his bed, laying on his stomach and burying his face against his pillow.
He took a deep breath, feeling the tears slowly making their way down his cheeks. But he didn't care anymore. Didn't care if anyone caught him, didn't care if they saw and laughed.
He just wanted his dad.
He soon found himself sobbing into his pillow, wanting nothing more than for his dad to come walking through the door and to say that this was all one big joke and that he wasn't leaving at all.
The door did open, but when Edmund looked up - his eyes full of hope - he found Peter stood in the doorway, a concerned look on his face.
Edmund hastily wiped away his tears and slowly sat up, not looking at his brother and fiddling with the thin blanket draped over his duvet.
He heard Peter sigh, and a couple seconds later the bed dipped beside him and he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders.
He wanted to pull away, wanted to leave, but as Peter gently pulled him close and placed a kiss to the top of his head, he quite literally melted into his embrace.
"I promise you Eddy." Peter whispered. "This will all be fine. Dad will come back, you'll see him again."
Edmund swallowed hard. "But how do you know that?" He asked.
Peter glanced down at his ten year old brother, staring into his eyes - wide, dark brown eyes full to the brim with tears. "We've just gotta have faith alright." He said slowly, trying to hold back his own tears. "And anyway, didn't Dad promise he'd come back?"
Edmund nodded slowly.
"And has dad ever broken a promise?" Peter added.
Edmund looked down, swallowing hard as he shook his head. "No." He whispered.
"Exactly Ed." Peter smiled. "We'll see him again. Don't worry about that."
Edmund nodded again, wrapping an arm tightly around Peter's waist and burying his face against the thirteen year olds chest. "Thanks." He mumbled, his voice cracking.
Peter chuckled slightly. "You're welcome." He whispered. "No matter what happens Eddy, I'll always be here for you. Always."
Edmund smiled against Peter's chest, his grip tightening out of instinct.
Peter smiled too, placing a kiss to the top of his head. "Now," he said after a long while. "What do you say we go downstairs with the girls for a bit til dinner?"
Edmund clearly hesitated but in the end nodded slowly. "Okay." He mumbled, sitting up straight and rubbing at his eyes, sighing slightly as he did.
"Come on then." Peter whispered, standing from the bed and holding out his hand.
Edmund immediately grabbed it, standing from the bed too and allowing Peter to lead him from the room and down the stairs.
It was obvious that the next months, years maybe, we're gonna be tough, but with Peter by his side, he knew he'd get through them.

Okay soooooooooo..... new book!!
This book will be entirely Edmund centred - with the added Peter and Edmund here and there (🙈 I couldn't help myself 🙈)
This book will basically be (as the description says) Edmund's journey throughout LWW and before the movie too, with a whole load of missing scenes and whatnot.
And I was also thinking, maybe, to do two sequels to this, one for PC and one for VOTDT... but let's just see how this one goes first 😂😂
Anyway, I really hope you liked this chapter and hope ya'll stick around for the rest of the book 😂😂🙈
Aaaaaannnnnnd... I probably won't be updating this book every day, just every few days instead xx
Love you all
Nina xx

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