With the beavers

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"So, which way?" Peter asked, turning slowly to Lucy.
"Just follow me." Lucy said, beaming. "I'm pretty sure I remember the way."
"Pretty sure?" Susan asked warily.
Lucy rolled her eyes and chuckled. "It's fine." She said. "We aren't gonna get lost. Now come on."
Edmund though hadn't caught any of this conversation, busy staring up at the hills and trying to come up with some sort of plan instead, but before he could he heard a shout of his name.
Looking down he spotted his siblings ahead, Peter having turned around to stare at him.
Edmund sighed and ran a moment to catch up with them, ending up walking beside Peter.
"Pay attention Ed." Peter muttered, loud enough so the girls, who were walking slightly ahead, wouldn't hear. "The last thing we want is any of us getting separated."
"Hmm." Edmund answered.
"Seriously Ed." Peter sighed. "I don't know anything about this place, and to be honest, I still cant quite believe that there's a snowy forest at the back of a wardrobe." He paused for a moment, smiling a little and shaking his head in disbelief. "But we don't know how dangerous it could be here." He continued. "So please, just stick close and stop daydreaming every five minutes."
"I was not daydreaming." Edmund defended, wrapping his arms around him.
Peter raised an eyebrow at him. "Of course not." He said. "Because staring in to the distance and not hearing me until I've called your name for the fifth time is definitely not daydreaming."
"Shut up." Edmund grumbled, looking down at the snow as they walked.
"What were you thinking about anyway?" Peter asked after a moment or so.
Edmund shrugged. "Nothing in particular." He answered simply.
Peter raised an eyebrow at him but nodded, turning quickly when there was a gasp from Lucy.
"We made it to the lampost!" Shs exclaimed, and Peter was relieved to see the smile on her face. When she'd gasped Peter thought she was in trouble or something. "See? Over there just beyond those trees!"
"Why's there a lamppost in the middle of the woods?" Susan wondered aloud, looking as confused as Peter.
"I don't know." Lucy replied as they reached it, all staring up. "But it is rather pretty." She added with a small laugh, before they continued walking.
After around five minutes, they rounded a corner, Peter by this point covered in snow from a fall down a hill, and Susan's coat covered in snow from making a snow angel.
"We'll have lots of lots of lovely food-" Lucy was saying. "And we'll have lots of lots of..."
Peter frowned when she trailed off, looking down at her before following her gaze to a door in the side of a cliff ahead of them.
The door had been knocked down, snow piling inside of the house, and this made Peter worried as well as confused. "Lu?" He asked slowly when Lucy didn't seem to be doing anything but staring.
All of a sudden Lucy gasped and set off at a run towards the house, leaving her three siblings rather startled.
"Lucy!" Peter shouted suddenly, running off after her.
Edmund glanced at Peter for a moment before running after him, Susan following behind.
They all slowed to a walk when they got inside, and even Edmund was shocked at what he saw.
The whole place looked like it had been turned upside down. Things were scattered across the floor, smashed plates and books and candles, and snow was piled in the corners.
"Who would do something like this?" Lucy whispered in disbelief.
Edmund glanced around, spotting a piece of paper nailed to the wall.
Peter spotted it too and walked over, ripping it off he wall and beginning to read.
"The faun Tumnus is hearby charged with high treason..."
Edmund frowned at this, listening closely to what it said next.
"Against her imperial majesty, Jadis, Quee of Narnia, for comforting her enemies and fratanizing with humans, signed, Maugrim, captain of the secret police... long live the Queen."
Edmund frowned, the Queen? The women he'd met in the woods had ordered her "secret police" to quite literally tear this place apart?
"Alright-" Edmund was snapped out of his thoughts by his older sisters voice. "Now we really should go back!" She said.
"But what about Mr.Tumnus!" Lucy said quickly, desperation in her voice.
"If he was arrested just for being with a human, I'm not sure there's much we can do." Susan told her, sounding actually a little sorry.
"You don't understand do you?" Lucy said, causing all three of her siblings to stare at her, identical frowns on their faces. "I'm the human! She must of found out he helped me!"

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