End of term

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- Time Skip -

"You all packed to go home?" Peter asked as he walked over to his brother and sat at the table beside him.
Edmund looked up from his breakfast and nodded. "Yeah." He said. "You?"
Peter nodded back. "I'm all packed." He replied.
"I'm so glad it's the easter holidays." Edmund breathed. "This term alone feels like it's lasted a year."
Peter chuckled. "I know what you mean." He sighed warmly.
"And another upside." Edmund muttered. "I don't have to see James and his "gang" for nearly three weeks."
Peter's face fell slightly. Despite having been as school for a whole term now, Edmund hadn't managed to make any friends at all - except for maybe this boy that would say a shy hello whenever they passed each other in the corridor or something, but Peter wouldn't really call him Edmund's friend, because apart from that Hello and Edmund's reply they didn't talk at all and never really even saw each other (except in lessons of course.)
But even though he hadn't made any friends, he'd definitely made enemies, by no fault of his own though.
James' and his friends teasing just seemed to get worse each week, and more than once Peter had found Edmund with a split lip or a black eye.
Peter tried to get his brother to tell the teachers so many times, but Edmund remained firm in his answer that if he told, then it'd only get worse, and Peter - deep down - knew he was right.
Snapping himself out of his thoughts Peter smiled at Edmund. "Well that's good then." He said.
Edmund nodded, only to look up when he saw someone stop infront of the table, well, a few people. He swallowed hard when he saw James and his friends. Talk of the devil.
"See you next term." James laughed. "It'll be worse than this one I can promise you that."
Peter took a deep breath and stood from his seat, walking around the table and standing right in front of the boy.
James glared at him, well much to his frustration, he glared up at him, Peter must've been atleast 4 inches taller than him.
"I'm warning you James." Peter spat. "You even think about continuing your little teasing game and I-"
"You'll?" James laughed. "What can you do?"
"I will go to the headmaster and get you all expelled." Peter muttered.
"We both know that won't happen." James laughed, glancing at his friends. "They wont expel us. And if you do go to the teachers or the headmaster, I promise you that we will make your brothers life hell."
Peter glared at him, and Edmund saw his hands ball into fists at his side, and quickly stepped in before he did anything that he'd later regret.
"Come on Peter." He said quickly, standing from the table and grabbing Peter's arm. "Let's go and get ready to go."
Peter glared at James until they left the room, heading down the corridor to Peter's dorm. "I'm gonna end up punching him one of these days." He muttered.
"Why do you think I pulled you out of there?" Edmund sighed.
Peter sighed. "Thanks for that." He said with a small smile.
Edmund gave him a nod before taking a deep breath. "Promise you wont go to the headmaster? Or the teachers?" He said, a hint of pleading in his voice.
Peter stared at him. "All right." He sighed after a moment.
"Thank you." Edmuns breathed.
"But if they give you another split lip-"
"Peter." Edmund said firmly. "They'll make my life miserable if we tell."
"Arent they already making it miserable?" Peter muttered angrily.
"Well..." Edmund sighed, trailing off and falling silent for a while.
The two continued until they reached the dorm before Peter ran inside to grab his suitcase.
"What time does the train leave?" Edmund asked as he came back out.
"10am." Peter replied. "We've got 45 minutes, don't worry."
Edmund nodded and the two headed to his dorm, where he too grabbed his suitcase, and with that they headed through the school, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.
"Peter?" Edmund asked slowly.
"Yeah?" His brother replied, looking down at him.
"Can - Can you not tell Mum?" Edmund asked hesitantly. "About James?"
Peter frowned. "Ed-" He mumbled.
"Please Peter." Edmund muttered. "She's got enough to worry about. And it's not like she can do anything."
Peter stared at him for a while. "Alright." He sighed eventually. "I won't tell."
Edmund gave him a nod. "Thanks." He mumbled.
"But you're gonna have to find some way to explain that half healed scab on your lip." Peter muttered, a hint of anger in his voice.
Edmund licked his lips. "I'll just say I fell." He said with a shrug.
Peter nodded slowly as they stepped outside, heading for the gates before walking to the station.
Once on the platform Peter sat on the only free bench, Edmund sitting beside him until the train arrived.
"Come on." He said, quickly standing and grabbing his suitcase again.
Edmund followed him onto the train and into a free compartment, allowing Peter to place his suitcase above before he sat down, leaning against the window and staring outside.
Peter sat beside him and the two fell silent until Peter decided to start up some sort of conversation. "Lucy's excited to see us." He said. "Mum said in her recent letter that she cant wait."
Edmund let out a small laugh. "I bet she is." He sighed gently.
Thet both fell silent again for ages, until they arrived at the station where Susan would be.
Peter peered out the window as the train drew to a stop, immediately spotting his sister, talking two three girls and laughing.
He watched as she got on the train and very soon came across their compartment.
"Susan!" Peter called to catch her attention.
Susan turned and entered the compartment, a huge smile on her face. "Peter, Edmund." She beamed, putting her suitcase above before hugging both brothers. "How are you?"
Peter laughed a little. "Alright." He replied. "You?"
"Just a little tired." Susan said, smiling as she sat down beside Peter.
The train soon began moving again, and Edmund had never been so relieved to be going home.

Ik, this chapter is terrible 🙈🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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