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Edmund sighed slightly as he stood, wiping his bleeding nose on the back of his hand.
He looked up to see the boys walking away, laughing amongst themselves.
He scowled. When James had said that he was gonna teach him "who was boss" he didn't actually expect him to hit him.
Groaning a little he picked up his two torn books, and after wiping at his nose again, headed down the corridor to the library. He was already late and he dreaded thinking what Peter would think.
Not even realising that his nose was still bleeding and that he had tears in his eyes he burst into the library, scanning the room in search of his brother.
He soon spotted him, sat in the corner reading a book. Edmund watched as Peter glanced at the clock on the wall, before looking up.
Peter looked slightly relieved to see Edmund, and smiled at him.
Edmund smiled back and ran over, sitting beside his brother at the table, trying to ignore the pain from his face.
"Sorry I'm late." Edmund said, trying to sound cheerful. "I got a bit caught up."
He looked up at Peter only to see a look of horror on his brothers face. "Ed what happened?!" Peter exclaimed, obviously still keeping his voice quiet.
Edmund wiped his nose again and realised that it was still bleeding. "Oh that." He said, quickly trying to come up with an excuse. "I tripped and fell, hit my nose."
Peter stared at him. "No you didn't." He said simply.
"What?" Edmund said even as Peter reached over and pressed a handkerchief to his nose.
"You didn't just fall." Peter said with a sigh. "What really happened Ed?"
Edmund swallowed hard, hesitating before he sighed. "It was those boys." He muttered.
Peter seemed to freeze for a moment before taking a deep breath. "They hit you?" He whispered in shock.
Edmund nodded, flinching slightly as he held up his books. "And they did this." He said.
Peter was absolutely horrified, and didn't do a very good job of hiding it. "They hit you and ripped your books in half?!" He said.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He said, lowering his head and staring at his lap, taking the handkerchief from Peter and holding it against his nose instead.
"Why?" Peter asked.
Edmund shrugged. "No idea." He said, wincing slightly and forcing back any tears.
Peter stared at him for a moment, seeing the tears welling in his eyes, before reaching into his pocket and bringing out something small.
"What's that?" Edmund asked, his voice tight from trying not to cry.
"A toffee." Peter said with a small smile. "Jack (one of the boys in my dorm) had a pack and shared them out."
Edmund nodded a little, unaware that by doing so, two tears rolled slowly down his cheeks.
Peter sighed sadly. "Here." He said, holding the toffee out towards his brother.
Edmund looked up at stared at him. "But it's yours." He mumbled.
Peter shrugged. "You can have it." He said.
"Pete-" Edmund mumbled, eventually removing the handkerchief and placing it one the table.
"Ed come on." Peter sighed. "Take it. I want you to have it."
Edmund hesitated but eventually took the toffee, giving Peter a grateful smile. "Thanks." He whispered.
"Pop it in your mouth and keep quiet." Peter said with a small smirk, grabbing the handkerchief and quickly wiping away the rest of the blood.
After that Edmund did as he was told, smiling at Peter, causing Peter to smile back.
"So, what do you wanna do?" Edmund asked after a moments of silence.
"I was thinking we should probably write to Susan, and to Mum and Lucy." Peter replied, bringing out a peice of paper from his bag followed by a pencil.
"Probably." Edmund said, chuckling slightly. "But I have to be back in my dorm at eight." He added.
Peter glanced up at the clock. "It's only twenty past seven now." He said. "You've got enough time."
Edmund nodded and the two set about writing letters to Susan, and their Mum and Lucy.
"I'll have to find envelopes." Peter said as he folded up the paper. "And go into town at the weekend and buy some stamps."
"Can I come with you?" Edmund asked, staring at him.
Peter nodded. "Course." He said with a smile.
Edmund smiled back before his smile faded. "Scratch that, I'll probably have homework to do." He muttered.
"Surely you can leave it for one day!" Peter exclaimed.
"I probably could've." Edmund sighed. "But now I have to redo the stuff I'd already done."
Peter sighed. "Tell you what." He said. "I'll help you."
Edmund stared at him. "But my books." He said, nodding at the books that lay on the table.
"Just do it on a peice of paper and tell the teachers that you lost your books." Peter said hastily.
"But I didn't lose them." Edmund said slowly.
"Yeah well, just tell them that until I find you some new ones." Peter said. "Now come on, you've got twenty minutes, pretty sure we could get half of it done."
Edmund smiled slightly up at his brother. "Thanks." He whispered, already reaching for the pencil and a clean piece of paper.
"No problem." Peter replied with an small chuckle, staring down at his brother as he began to write.


Edmund sighed a little as he headed down the corridor back to his dorm, walking a little faster than he usually would to be back in time.
He and Peter had managed to redo more than half of his homework, and he'd never been so thankful, he dreaded what would happen if he didn't finish it in time.
Quietly opening the door to his dorm he stepped inside, seeing all the boys sat at the end of their beds talking together.
Without making a sound he walked over to his own bed and sat down, placing his torn book in the draw with a sigh and folding up the peice of paper and placing it on top.
After a while he got ready for bed and climbed under the covers, and the second the light was off, he fell asleep.

Probably gonna have a time skip for the next chapter 👀😂

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