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a/n italic letters are French

"Lando! Scarlett!" the media called as we walked the stairs and they took pictures. We posed a few times and Lando even carried my bridal style down the stairs. "Lando! Any comments of the fight with Charles Leclerc?" some interviewer called and I flipped around sending a if looks could kill glare. It was that girl from earlier, but I smirked snapping my fingers and pointing towards the door. Out of now where my guards came and escorted her out and we got back to the party. 

"Everyone if we can move to the Grand Ballroom where we will have dinner and dancing." my father called leading us to the ivory and gold ballroom with a painted sky ceiling. The tables were circle tables scattered around the dance floor, while the Royal family has a rectangular head table. My father, Lando, and the team principles sat with us. The first course was brought out, so I stood to make my speech. 

"Tonight is a night for celebration. Celebrating the era of Formula 1 and that we are all here to experience it. I have watched many of you grow into the amazing drivers you are today and I am extremely proud of each and every one of you. If you are not a driver, please know that these men go through tremendous lengths to provide a performance that is not only deemed adequate to their Team's standards but also their own. I can speak from experience there greatest challenge is being good enough for themselves." I said and threw a glance at Lando who blew a kiss. "I also want to commend the families, wives, and girlfriends of the drivers. The rocks who are thereafter every race whether in person or on the phone to congratulate their driver whether he cam in first, last, or resulted in a DNF. You are truly amazing and I hope you realize that! So again congratulations to each and every one person sitting in this room and let the fun begin!" I finished and excepted the applause. 

Suddenly Sebastian stood up and smiled at the crowd. "Hi everybody! I think that one person in racing that doesn't get recognition is Scarlett. She's like my little sister from another mother.I know for a fact  Scarlett calls me, Daniel, Lewis, and Lando before and after every race. We talk about anything and everything. when she comes to a race she hangs out with us to just let us vent. I owe her a few podiums as do the rest of them. So a toast too, Her Royal Highness Princess Scarlett Rossi who I am proud to call my little sister!" he smiled.

 I was wiping tears away from my eye as I walked over to give Sebastian a big hug and I heard the cameras going crazy. "Thank you," I whispered and he nodded. 

I returned to my seat and we started eating. The rest of the dinner went smooth as friendly banter was tossed about the table. Lando seemed to be taking the new attention well and I could tell he and my dad were already fast friends. I sat looking over everyone in the group of people and saw one of my favorite foot ballplayers in the whole world sitting with some others. 

"If you would excuse me," I said getting up and walking to the table of the player. "Juninho as I live and breath," I said in a joking way and he smirked. 

"Scarlett," he said kissing my hand sending me a wink. 

"So, how are you enjoying the race weekend?" I asked. 

"Oh well, it is quite the experience! I would like to meet this Max Verstappen person, he is the only one I have yet to meet," he replied. 

"Well right this way," I said giving a curt nod to the rest of the players at the table. 

"Mr.Verstappen a pleasure to meet you," Neymar said smiling at the dutch driver. Who was surprised to see the player in front of him. 

"I will leave you to talk," I said turning to leave, but there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Sebastian smiling holding out his hand. "So can I open the ball with you?" he asked. I took his hand and he walked me to the middle of the ballroom floor, and my father rose. 

"Please stand for Her Royal Highness and Sebastian Vettel as they open the Champions Ball." my father called and started the round of clapping. 

Soon a waltz started and we twirled around the floor almost as if ice-dancing. "Wow! Didn't know you could dance." I laughed and he shook his head. "So, Sebastian I know it is early, but would you walk me down the aisle," I whispered and he faltered a moment. 

"Your father though?" he asked and I shook my head. 

"He is dying and the moment he dies I have to marry and have a coronation," I explained.

 "What if Lando backs out?" he asked. 

Now it was my time to falter, "By an order made by my mother and father I have the duty to marry Charles Leclerc." I replied. 

"Why him?" he asked.

 I shook my head, "So before the accident, Charles and I were like twins. Before Lando came along we dated for two years. So the bond we have is just different. My parents have always wanted  me to marry Charles." I explained and Seb just nodded along. 

"Well let's not think of it now, but later and just enjoy," he said as he dipped me back at the end of the song. 

"I'll save you the last dance Bash," I replied and we went our separate ways. I made my way over to Lando who was having a laugh with a pretty woman by the champagne.

 "Hey! This is Giada!" he exclaimed and she giggled giving a small curtsy. 

"Pleasure to meet the woman who infuriates my boyfriend day in and day out," she said with a wink. Wow! This is who he moved onto, I mean she seems really nice, but that comment threw me off. 

"Your boyfriend, on the other hand, is adorable." she cooed, Lando blushed and I got annoyed. 

"Well, your boyfriend is a pain in my side," I said with a smile and she frowned. 

"She just called me...how to put this...a pain in her side," Charles said sliding over into our conversation. 

We switched over to French, "What the hell Leclerc!" I hissed. 

"I think I could ask you the same thing," he muttered at me. 

I rolled my eyes, "Why do you have to ruin such a perfect night?" I asked. 

"No! Why do you?" he asked. 

"How about both of you stop fighting like a bunch of children and enjoy the night." Giada cut in between our banter. 

"Can I have your attention everybody!" a voice yelled and I saw Daniel on stage with a wicked grin on his face. Oh no.

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