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"I can't believe you just stood up to my dad!" Mick exclaimed giving me big hug. "Mick...I have been traumatized since that day. I have never gone on the slopes again. You're family a lot to me." I explained. 

"Scarlett!" I heard Romeo's worried voice come from down the hall. 

"In here!" I called and Romeo came skidding into the hospital room. 

"What type of deal did you just make with the double-crossing, lying, backstabbing, son of a bitch!" he yelled, and then his eyes flicked to Mick while panting heavily. "With all due respect," he added and Mick just shrugged. 

"Romeo, he had me back into a corner, and I found a way to escape," I exclaimed. "I'm sorry. I just hate for you to be put in this position. If we thought the drama was bad this season...well let's not think about that now." Romeo said while handing me a folder. 

"Sign these," he said. I looked over the papers with the names of the three companies at the top. 

"Well Mick, you are witnessing history," I said while singing the papers.

 "Perfect!" Romeo exclaimed. "Now you have a press conference at 11:45 am before the race, then you have a meeting with Toto Wolff on drivers for 2020 who will be announced at a later press conference, and finally we leave because next week we are holding the first annual Drivers Gala at the Palace. Then we have the Christmas Ball and New Years' Eve Party." Romeo exclaimed excitedly while I groaned. 

"That is three huge parties in one month!" I exclaimed.

 "I know it's going to be so fun!" he exclaimed. 

"I take it he loves planning parties?" Mick asked. 

"Don't get him started, he's had my wedding planned since my first date when I was around thirteen," I replied and Romeo smacked my arm gently. "You're lucky we are family or I'd have fired you." I snapped and he rolled his eyes, "Girl please. You would be lost one day without me." he remarked. "You're right." I huffed. "I'm always right," Romeo started getting up to leave. 

"Romeo..." I choked out as tears started forming in my eyes. 

"Oh, honey." He whispered taking me up in a big hug. "I don't want to lose him," I whispered. 

"THAT'S IT!" Mick yelled making me and Romeo jump apart. 

"Let it out, buddy," I muttered. "I love my dad, but I am tired of living next to his shadow and everyone bending to his will. Here is what is going to happen. Go through with the deal, but secretly get back with Charles if possible." Mick explained. 

"I like this one," Romeo stated as he started to formulate a plan. Suddenly an idea came to mind, "Everyone shut up I need to make a call." I ordered as I called Toto Wolff. 

"Hello?" He answered. 

"Yes, Toto this is Scarlett and whatever deal you have made with Michael Schumacher to make sure you stay dominant and Ferrari doesn't is absolute bullshit!" I yelled. 

"Scarlett he said he would find a way for me to get kicked out!" He exclaimed.

"NO! He can't do that, but I can! But I will let Lewis decide if he would like for you to stay or for me to make you go the hard way a launch an investigation against you." I explained and silence settled. 

"I'm sorry, but I can not allow that to happen. I think it would best for you to let people who actually know what they are doing handle this...not some nineteen-year-old, Your Majesty" I heard him say and then hung up.

"What the hell!" Mick and Romeo yelled and I looked up to see Lewis holding a gun pointed at my heart. "LEWIS!" I exclaimed. "I'm sorry Scarlett, but I can't have you messing with my career." He whispered and pulled the trigger. 


"NO!" I screamed and suddenly shot up from a bed. "Hey hey hey! It's ok it's just me." I heard a voice. "Lewis! He shot me!" I exclaimed looking around for a bullet hole. 

"No! Your sister Sapphire did!" The voice said and I turned to see Michael Schumacher sitting beside me. "YOU! You forced me to leave Charles after we split up!" I exclaimed and he looked at me confused. 

"Whatever happened was all a dream. You have been shot and are back in Monaco resting. I came to help you out since you slept the whole way from the hospital." He exclaimed. 

"What's the date?" I asked frantically.

"It is December 12th. You were in a coma for about two months, because there was a crash and Kimi was with you when you woke up, but you had suffered a lot of trauma so you went into cardiac arrest. They revived you and put you in a medically induced coma." Michael explained as I started to calm down. "Everything that happened after Kimi was a dream?" I confirmed.

 "No." he replied sadly. 

"What happened?" I asked and Michael looked down. 

"Charles came to visit you at the hospital before Kimi came, you two got in a bad argument." He explained. "So while I was in my coma I made up my own version of how we broke up." I realized as my heart slowly broke and it went black. 

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