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"Your Majesty this is your captain speaking...prepare for landing." I heard the phrase I had been anxiously waiting for. 

"Oh my God Romeo! What have I done?" I exclaimed while I gripped onto my cousin's arm. 

"You are doing the right thing," he replied. "How can you be so sure?" I asked. Romeo looked me dead in the eyes, "Over my whole time of being your PA, every one of your decisions have been correct. You might have big ideas, but you don't do something unless you believe in it." he said. "Oh Romeo, Romeo. Where art th—" Romeo was quick to cut me off. "I was tormented in school because of the character!" he exclaimed.

 "Sorry," I mumbled with a big smirk on my face. 

Forty-five minutes later, a French fries stop, and a meltdown, we finally made it back to the hotel where the teams were celebrating at the bar. "I'll be waiting in the corner," Romeo whispered as I walked up to the bar. Thankfully I never had a chance to change so I was still in my chic red pantsuit. 

"Room for one more," I mumbled sitting next to Lewis. 

"Always." He replied. "Excuse me!" he calls a bartender down. "Yes, she'll have a frozen Peach Bellini." He ordered for me. 

"Coming right up!" 

I let out a small smile, "Why did you come back?" Lewis asked still not giving me so much as a glance. "I came back because I remember," I replied. 

"How much?" 

"Not much, but I remember the good times we had together." Lewis finally turned to look at me, "Why did you leave?" I let out a small huff, "There was some disagreement on which team I should support. I'm not choosing between you guys, so I am leaving the world of Formula 1." I answered and Lewis's face fell. 

"Have a nice life, your Majesty." Lewis snapped and walked away from me.

"Well you deserved that," Daniel said sliding up next to me and I just sent him a dirty look. "You are too involved. We started to rely on you for help and all that, but you need to stop worrying about us and go live your life."Daniel exclaimed.

 I could feel my eyes starting to sting, "I don't think you understand Danny." I whispered.

"Understand what?" 

"You guys are all I have left," I mumbled. 

Realization came over Daniels  face and he just gave me a big hug. "Danny I need to get a life." I groaned. "You always land on your feet," Daniel whispered. 

"Mind if I cut in?" a new voice cut in and we turned to see Max. 

"Mad Max coming in to save the day!" Daniel exclaimed while rubbing his hands together. "You can have my seat, I was just leaving," Daniel said leaving me with Max.

 "By Danny!" I hissed and I made away for Max to sit. I sent Daniel one last glance to see him mouthing the words, "Give him a chance." and then he was gone in the crowd. 

"So...where were you for the race?" Max asked and I let out a nervous laugh. "I may or may not have been on an airplane," I replied. 

"WHY!" he exclaimed. 

"You'll find out soon enough," I muttered. "Anyway, some of my memories have come back, but I still can't place you," I stated. 

"There really isn't much to place. We met at Monaco and just exchanged small talk," he replied. 

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked trying to get a sense of what Max wanted. 

"Nah...just it's so hard to make a girl happy with the schedule that we have!" he snapped as I clearly hit a rough spot. 

"Let it out buddy," I said softly. 

"Why do girls make it so hard! They knew what they signed up for when they decided to date a driver. I am so tired of trying when all I get are complaints!" He continued to rant, but then he stopped short with his mouth wide open. "I can't believe I just did that in front of the Queen of Monaco!" he groaned. 

"I'm not the queen of Monaco right now, I'll just be a friend," I stated. "I understand what you are saying, but love always finds a way," I added. 

Max gave me a small smile, "Go back to him!" Max exclaimed. 

"I can't," I whispered. 

"Why not?"

"What would everyone think of me! I am only 20 years old!" I exclaimed and Max grabbed my shoaled and started shaking me. 

"Listen to me Scarlett!" he snapped angrily at me. 

"Love like what you and Charles have doesn't just some with everyone. You can't let this one go!" he exclaimed. I just stared at Max who for some reason was angry with me, "Do you want to be my new Lewis?" I blurted. 

"Your what?" he asked. 

"Lewis and I...I don't think we are friends anymore, so I would like to be friends with you. I'll be your person and you can be my person." I explained. 

"Like Grey's Anatomy?" he question and I grinned, "Exactly!" Max just shook his head, "I am not going to do any girls things." he muttered. He has no idea what he got himself into. 

5 Hours Later

"What the hell did you do!" Max yelled when he opened his eyes. I had bought makeup and give Max a full makeover, but that's not even the best part. Max is now sporting a head of light blue and pink hair. 

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" he yelled while chasing me around the room. "NO!" I screamed and tried to escape, but Max caught me and pinned me down on the bed. "This is what happened when you mess with Mad Max!" he laughed as he started tickling me. "Stop! Stop! Stop!"I shrieked through my laughter and all of a sudden the door burst open, "What the heck!" I heard Charles exclaimed and Max jumped off the bed. Oh shoot.

 A/N: SEBASTIAN!!! I can't believe it. I love Charles and Ferrari, but without Sebastian, it just isn't the same. 

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