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It all got quiet as everyone turned to see Daniel's announcement. "So as you all know we two from birth friends here tonight also natives of Monaco. Princess Scarlett and Charles Leclerc!" he exclaimed and everyone cheered and clapped, while I sent Daniel a glare. "So my friends and I would like to propose a toast and request a dance from the pair." he continued and I almost murdered him, but I saw my father smirking as well. 

I turned to see Giada and Lando talking with each other and not paying any attention, and something inside me snapped. 

I held up my glass to Daniel, now it was his turn to be confused. "A toast! Princess Scarlett and Charles!" he called out and we repeated it back. I think Charles saw G and Lando too because he strutted over to me with an arrogant smirk on his face that made me want to smack it off. He held out his hand in a bow and I took it with a smirk. 

A fast-paced tango came on, actually one we used to dance to a lot when we were young and free. He started with a dramatic spin and the rest of the time we danced close and dirty. Mainly to get on G and Lando's nerves, but the other part some emotions that had been built up for way too long. Soon the song was ending and Charles dipped me back, let go, and then caught me right before I hit the floor. We held eye contact, our breathing heavy, while everyone clapped and cheered. 

"Alright Charles and Scarlett, let's see that again later to-WHAT THE HELL!" Daniel yelled with anger at the end and we all turned to see none other than Giada and Lando sharing a kiss. 

"No..."I whispered as one single tear fell down my face. 

My father was enraged "YOU MADE A PROMISE BOY!!! YOU PROMISED TO LOVE AND RESPECT HER!!" he roared running over to them, but he started shaking and dropped to the ground. 

"Father!" I screamed running over to him. I knelt down and he grabbed my hand.

"Promise me one thing, you go back to your old self," he said and I nodded. "I'm s-s-sorry." he gasped and I watched him take his last breath. 

Guards ran from every direction to take him from the floor while everything went in slow motion for me. "Scarlett!" a voice called to me and soon I was standing in Sebastian's embrace. Lando started walking up to me, when he got there I landed a left hook right to his jaw and he fell back. 

"You! Kissed a girl! Not just any girl, but a girl who was taken, so not only you ruined my life, but Charles as well." I yelled at him. 

He had a bloody nose but managed to walk over. "We can get through this, people do this all the time," he argued. 

"Well are those people the Queen of a country?" I snapped and he stayed quiet. "No! I don't get that privilege and now because of your mistake I have to follow doomsday protocol. Also, let's not talk about how you made my father have a heart attack and die!" I roared and it was quiet. 

"I am going to take Scarlett to address the media and public and you will be gone and never show your face to her again," Sebastian said sternly, but I stopped him. 

"Lando, I love you. I really do, but I can't not in this lifetime." I whispered and he nodded. He walked toward me and I let him hug me. We broke away and I held his cheek with tears in my eyes feeling our hearts break. I kissed him softly on the lips and he just held on. "Goodbye Lando Norris," I said and Sebastian led me away from one chapter of my life and into another. 

I stood on the first landing on the grand staircase while the media set up live streaming. "Are we ready?" Romeo called and responses of yes came from the media and Romeo sent me a nod. 

"My fellow citizens! I regret to say that a few minutes ago my father was announced dead at the Champions Ball succumbing to a heart attack. My father was a loving man, and while my family has experienced more than enough tragedies I can happy to say he is in a better place. Long live King Giovanni." I said taking a short pause, "Now some of you might have heard of the doomsday protocol. Well, I can now confirm we are going to be exercising the practice. As many of you know in light of the situation Lando and I have terminated our relationship in honor and respect for my late father and the Monarchy. In the protocol, it is said I will be married to Charles Leclerc our very own Formula 1 driver. At this very moment, he is being coronated as Prince of Monaco, and while he will have more duties he will still continue to race. More information will come out shortly to you! Thank you!" I said. 

Romeo stopped me and turned to the media, "Long live Queen Scarlett Rossi Leclerc of Monaco." and my face iced over. This was it. I walked up the steps with Romeo to the third floor where the important offices were located and I had to sign papers to make this real.

 "You ready?" he asked and I shook my head. How could anyone be ready for this? 

 "Could you get Sebastian please?" I asked softly as we walked into the room and Romeo nodded. I saw Charles sitting on a deep chair with his eyes squeezed shut, so I walked slowly up to him and placed my hand gently on his wrist. He took a shaky breath and opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out was a small sob. 

"You guys," Sebastian whispered as he closed the door behind him and came to kneel beside us. "So I know you don't want this to happen, but you have to make it work. All you have to do is fake a relationship," he explained and we just nodded. I don't even know if we can fake being nice to each other. 

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