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*#1 in Ferrari 5.7.20.

"Queen Scarlett! Scarlett! Did you have a child with Charles!" reporters yelled as we tried to get into the hotel for brunch. I finally had enough and I whipped around. 

"If you all must know, that is my Godson. Charles and I have not taken the road like many celebrities and have decided to be friends instead of enemies. Now if you would excuse me!" I snapped and turned to walk away. 

Finally, I was able to sit down at the table where everyone was talking and having a good time. "Hey, Scarlett! We want a speech!" Toto called and I obliged. "I am happy to be traveling with Ferrari this year to see the team at work. I know this will be an amazing season and let's hope for a win for Lewis!" I exclaimed and realized I slipped up. 

"I'm not suspended?" he asked and Daniel piped up.

 "No, Toto thought it would be a good idea to scare you two!" I exclaimed. 

Sebastian burst out laughing, "And they say Germans have a horrible sense of humor!" He exclaimed while I cracked up as well. 

"You guys are great!" Lewis exclaimed and he gave me a quick hug. Life was back on track in the F1 world. 

March 17th

"Today is going to be great!" Lewis exclaimed as he got ready to do the driver's parade. 

"Don't get a big head of you'll lose." I warned, but he just scoffed "I don't need any luck." 

"Fine. If you lose, you have to walk around in Ferrari merch." I replied. I started to walk out of the garage, but Lewis pulled me back. 

"No good luck hug?" He questioned. 

"Lewis Hamilton doesn't need good luck." I quipped but gave him a hug anyway. Suddenly there was a loud pop and my body became rigid. Lewis reached out to me, but I moved away.

 "You still don't trust me." He mumbled. 

"You just don't understand what it was like being in that dream. It was more real than a lucid dream." I tried to explain, but Lewis just looked down sadly. "It's been months." he mumbled and I grabbed his hand, "Give it time," I whispered and watched him walk away to join the parade. 

"Here we go!" Mattia called as I entered the Ferrari garage. 

"Well, I feel like I am a freaking poster girl for your team," I muttered taking a seat a the pit wall. "I must admit Ferrari red looks good on you!" he replied trying to raise my spirits. I looked down at my Ferrari red pantsuit. "I guess you're right." I sighed and turned to look at the teams getting ready for the first race of the season. Why the heck did I decide to travel around this year? "I can't do this," I mumbled and walked away from the pit wall. 

"Your Majesty!" a voice called as I stormed into the red building of Ferrari Hospitality. "Yes!" I snapped turning around and it was Mia.

 "Hello, Mia," I said calmly.

 "Hi! Um...I don't know how to say this, but you need to pick Lewis or Charles. Corporate says it looks like you support both teams and could pass information off to both." she started to explain, but I held my tongue. "So, what will it be? Charles or Lewis?"She asked. 

"I think we both know the answer to that," I replied calmly trying to give her a test of my character, but she smiled! "I will tell Charles that you decided to stay with us," she said happily, but her face fell when she saw the anger spreading across mine. 

"I have had it with Formula 1. Sending me to be a poster girl! Did they think I would be okay with that, well NO!" I burst out. "I.Will.Not. pick and choose between two different teams, because I do not have to! So you tell Mr. Leclerc that I will see him in Monaco." I finished and stormed away from the building. 

"Romeo!" I yelled, thanking God there were no reporters around me at the time. 

"Should I call the plane to be read early?" he asked timidly. 

"Yes!" I snapped and kept walking in till I made it to the parking area and was in the Range Rover. 

"What's wrong? I mean I know this situation, but in the past, you have been able to keep a cool, level head, but you just exploded back there." Romeo questioned. I tried to get words out, but all that came were sobs and tears. 

"I have nineteen years behind me that I barely remember!" I wailed, "I'm mad, frustrated, and sad I can't remember anything! I just want my brother and he isn't here!" 

Romeo grabbed my hand, "You know best little cousin. I also know that you may just need a real break." he started, "I had a feeling this would happen so you are going to Los Angeles with Neymar Jr. because he is like a brother to you." He explained and I grinned. "Where are we staying?" I asked. "The happiest place in the world!" he exclaimed. 

"I love Disneyland!" I laughed slightly through my tears as I left the toxic world of F1 behind. 

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