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*#1 Ferrari 4/18/20🎉

It has been about a month since Charles and I have seen each other, but he's living his dream while I'm doing the tour around the world. Luckily since the family is such a big supporter of Ferrari I have to attend the Monza race which I have a good feeling about. 

"So is Charles mad you missed Saturday?" Romeo asked and I laughed. 

"No, but he's sad that I'm missing today," I smirked and Romeo started laughing. 

"You didn't tell him!" He exclaimed and I shook my head. 

"Yeah, I thought it would be nice to surprise my husband," I said and Romeo shrugged as we pulled into the parking lot. 

"You look like a fan girl." Romeo pointed out and I cracked a smile. 

"The point is to blend in." I relied. 

"Ok, White Jean shorts help, but Charles' old Sauber jacket doesn't really help." Romeo retorted as we slipped through the crowds and we almost made it to the garage unnoticed, but a group of teenage girls were doing the pit lane walk and they saw Romeo and I. We quickly took pictures and continued our track, finally making it to the garage where the drivers were talking to some fans.  

"Can I get a picture!" I called and Charles shot up. "Mon Ange?" He called quite confused over the fact he could hear but not see me. He shook it off, " Sorry it sounded like Scarlett." He muttered to the person beside him, which happened to be me with a cap on. 

"What would you say to Scarlett if she was here?" A fan asked.

 "I would a say how much I miss and love her. Also that while appreciate the surprise, I can tell when my wife is standing beside me." He smirked and turned to me. 

"You knew?" I exclaimed and everyone laughed. 

"Of course I've known you your whole life." He said in a duh tone and I face palmed. 

"Scarlett!" a voice called and I saw Carlos running up to me. 

"Hey Junior!" I smiled but frowned when I saw his stressed face. 

"Can you come talk to Lando?" He asked Hesitantly. Charles gripped onto my hand tightly and I turned to him. 

"Charles that hurts." I hissed and yanked my arm away from and marched away with Carlos, but not before I saw a look of distress and hurt come on Charles' face. "What's wrong with him?" I asked.

 "You know when you see and hear bad things about yourself, you start to believe it's true?" Carlos asked and I knew exactly what was going on. When we reached McLaren I saw Lando sitting on a bench with his helmet on. "Lando Norris, get up!" I called and he groaned.

 "Carlos why did you get her?" He groaned. 

"One, you guys dated for awhile and Two that her is a Queen so show some respect." He snapped at Lando. 

"You have a race soon and you need to get out of your head, because you beat all these people and now you are in the exclusive 20. If you  going to let what people say about you not let you race I'm sure I can find some other suitable replacement for you." I snapped at the poor boy who got my anger from the incident with Charles. 

"What did Charles do to you?" He muttered. 

"This is not about me it's about you," I replied and he jumped up pulling off his helmet. 

"Get out!" He snapped and I just stared him down. "I will call security." He warned and I raised a brow, "You forget I am to the sovereign to a country that shares a border with Italy, I would like to see you try." I threaten even though he could call security. 

"Why do you make this so hard." He whispered lookin down. 

"Look Lando, I know," I said softly and his head shot up. 

"Do you really." He hissed as a tear rolled down his face. 

"I did—I mean I still do, but I just—" my words were cut off by Charles calling my name.

 "Yes," I said and he scratched the back of his neck. 

"I'm heading out soon, so I just wanted to see you." He said simple and turned to walk away. 

"Charles wait!" I called then turned back to Lando. "We can still be friends and I am always here," I said going him a slight hug. "You two kick some ass!" I called as I walked to meet up with Charles. We walked in silence for a little then my phone started ringing.


"SCARLETT YOU NEED TO LEAVE NOW!" Romeo yelled into the phone. 

"Why? What's going on?" I exclaimed. 

"Look at the news on your phone!" He replied. I whipped out my phone to read headlines 

"Breaking news, Sapphire Rossi estranged sister of Queen Scarlett of Monaco sends death threat. Watch your self in Monza." "Romeo what is this?" I yelled. 

"Sapphire is somewhere on the grounds out for your blood, because you ruined her life and she wants you dead." He explained. 

I quickly hung up the phone, "Charles something came up, but good luck." I said and he just huffed while rolling his eyes and stomped away. I started weaving my way through the crowds leading Sapphire away from innocent people. I snapped my fingers and my guards were by me as we walked to a place behind the garages. 

"Well, well,we'll. Queen Scarlett." the voice of my sister said. 

"What do you want!" I snapped as the roar of the engines could soon be heard. 

"You with a bullet in your head." She smirked "But first I'm going to Kill whoever wins this race, because I want you to experience the death of someone and it's your fault" she said and I stayed silent . "I'll see you later...sister." She said and slipped away. 

"Do you want us to follow her?" the guards asked but I shook my head.

 "She's bluffing," I replied and walked away to the paddock club where I watched Charles take is win, but all I felt was dread as everyone cheered around me.

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