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My name is simply Scarlett Rossi. If you want what the world calls me, then it's Her Royal Highness, Princess Scarlett Rossi of Monaco. Trust me, I hate the title, but it is my duty to accept whatever may come with it. My life has always been one of leisure, but with some challenges. 

Our family has been struck by tragedy, one too many times. A very close family friend who was like a brother to me was killed in a race in 2014 when I was 15, now in 2019 it still haunts me. Soon after that my older brother was killed in a jumping accident, his horse fell on top of him and his spinal cord was crushed. This happened about a month after. It broke my mom's heart, I mean literally one day she had a heart attack, and a few days later she passed away. 

That was three family deaths in a matter of months. Now it's just my father and I, with the weight of a whole country on our shoulders. Not that we don't have other family members to help, but we are the ringleaders in our circus. 

After 2015 ended I came out as a new person, as the media says. I use to be so bright and bubbly, I turned shy and kept to myself. It is true though. Anyway today I have to do something I haven't done in years. I am going to visit my best friend at the Monaco Grand Prix and watch him race. After I present the winners with their trophies and photos. This year we are hosting a champions ball at the palace after the race for charity, so it should be fun! 

I heard my alarm go off and hopped out of the shower. I quickly dried off and did make-up and hair while deciding what I was going to wear. I settled on the white high top converse, white ripped jeans, and a Mercedes t-shirt on. 

"Ok," I said to myself as I walked down the back staircase of the palace and to the motor court. Romeo, my PA stood there by the black land rover with a smile on his face, 

"Ready ma'am?" he asked holding out my Ferrari ray-bans. 

I took them, "Duty before self." I said sliding into the passenger seat. 

We listened to music and sang at the top of our lungs. Romeo has grown up with the family and is a Baron, but he decided to work for me since we were practically family. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, my straight jet black hair in a high ponytail framing my light brown skin and accenting my honey-colored eyes. My freckles around my nose seemed to tie up the whole princess look, which the media loved. 

We soon arrived at the grounds and Romeo let me out as Media came trying to get pictures of me as I made my way back to the paddocks. 

"Scarlett!" a British voice called and I jumped.  I saw the face of my closest friend smiling at me. 

"Lewis Hamilton, what did I say about scaring the poor girl?" Toto Wolff said smiling to give me a hug as well. Lewis wrapped me in a warm hug, "I'm proud you came today." he whispered and I nodded. We talked for a while till I heard fighting, "Romeo if you don't let me in, I will run you over with my car!" an Aussie yelled. 

"Honey!" I called. 

"Badger." I heard in return and then footsteps. All of the sudden a mop of curly hair was in my face and I was getting twirled around. "Daniel Riccardo! Put me down!" I exclaimed through laughter and he obliged. 

"What are you doing here!" he exclaimed. 

"Oh well you know..." I trailed off when I realized if Daniel knew I was here everyone did. "He knows?" I asked softly and they all nodded. 

"How about I take you, but on the way, we stop at my garage and you can meet the Dutch Devil," Daniel smirked. 

"You are not setting me up with boys." I groaned as Daniel dragged me to through the pit lane. When we reached his garage everyone took off their hats and stopped work, to respect the crown. "Oh please none of that." I said quickly and they all smiled. "like what you've done around here Horner!" I called to him as he came around. 

He smirked "Redbull is doing pretty good!" he exclaimed. 

"Just not good enough to beat my teams." I poked fun at him. 

"Touche Princess touche," he said and went back to work. 

"Max!" Daniel called and I saw a head of blonde hair and crystal blue eyes poke out from behind a door. 

"What's up?" he called jogging up in his suit that was halfway on, when his eyes landed on me they widened. "Your Royal Highness," he said softly taking my hand and kissing it. 

"I forgot people who don't know you do that," Daniel muttered. 

"Daniel here did not lie about you Princess, you are exquisite," he smirked.  

A slight blush appeared on my cheeks, "Thank you Max, but please do call me Scarlett. Any friend of Daniel's is a friend of mine." I replied. 

"Well as much as I would like you two to fall in love, we have to run along to Ferrari," Daniel explained dragging me away after I said goodbye. We walked in silence just taking in the race atmosphere. Soon we reached the dreaded garage, but the media was loving it. 

"Sebastian?" I whispered and he was by us in seconds. 

"What are you doing here," he whispered. 

"I have to represent the Crown," I explained.

 He nodded, "Well it's good to see you Rose." he said giving me a quick hug just as yelling could be heard. 

"How dare she show up! The Princess of fucking Monaco! SEBASTIAN! Why the fuck does this have to happen and especially in my home country." a voice yelled and I flinched as heavy footsteps were heard coming toward us. Sebastian and Daniel stood in front of me, but I marched up in front of them. 

"If only he could hear you now, swearing at me up and down," I whispered. 

"Speak up I can't fucking hear you Princess!" he yelled. 

"You need to let whatever unfinished business you have, go," I said softly and he got in my face. 

"How can I let it go when you remind me of him every day you live and breath." he spat staring into my eyes. 

"You tell me..." I said and whispered his name. "Charles." 

*Well this is the first chapter of the Prancing Horse. If you don't know the person who died it is the late Jules Bianchi may he Rest In Peace. 

*I only own Scarlett, Romeo, and other characters made up by me. 

*Don't forget to comment and vote!!! 

Hey! Check out Sparks, and Halo my newest stories. 

*March 23, 2023: Thank you everyone for 100k reads! I'm so happy so many people have enjoyed this story! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I love you guys!

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