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"Charles! Scarlett!" fans yelled as we walked into the circuit. 

"Charles, are you good to go?" I asked. 

"Mon Ange don't worry about me, it's practice!" he exclaimed landing a kiss on my lips.

 "Good luck Mon Amour," I whispered and made my way over to Mercedes. 

"Well, well, well." The voice of Toto Wolff called as I walked in. 

"Toto!" I called running to give him a big hug. "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked. 

"Lewis..." he said and I nodded. "So, I want to ask if one day you could come to the COTA two days early?" he asked.

"What do you have planned?" I asked. 

He smirked, "You still have your license?" he asked and I grinned. 

"Toto Wolff, did you happen to rent out the circuit for some fun on the course?" I asked him. 

"Ah...you know me too well. Keep it a surprise for him though, because I know you swore off ever sitting in a car again, but I know you. It's in your blood." he whispered.

 "I'm in!" I exclaimed. 

"Good, now he's in his room," Toto said pushing me along. I walked down a hall to see Lewis Hamilton on a door and I knocked. 

"Who is it?" he called.

"OMG, I found him!" I squealed in a voice like a fan and he groaned. 

"Toto! There's a fan at my door?" he asked.

"Figure out yourself!" Toto yelled back from the garage. 

Hamilton groaned and opened the door, but then stumbled back in surprise. "Surprise!" I exclaimed and was met with his overall in my face wrapped in a hug. 

"Why are you here?" he asked. 

"My friend needed me more at the moment," I said. 

"You saw the interview?" he asked. 

"Yeah, and I have been an awful friend to you," I said shaking my head. 

"Oh it's ok, really," he replied and I grinned. "Do you want to do something after?" he asked as he got ready to go. 

"Sure!" "

 You, Toto, Bottas, Vettel, Kimi, Charles, Daniel, Max, and Pierre?" he suggested. 

"Oh Charles and Sebastian have a team dinner, but I can ask Daniel, Max, and Pierre," I replied and he nodded. 

"Good luck Hamilton!" I called back to him and went to Red Bull hospitality. I slipped in and watched the first practice from the corner of the room. "C'mon baby," I whispered and heard a chuckle. 

"Your Majesty!" she replied and I smiled, 

"Ms. Masetti," I replied. 

"Caterina please," she said. 

"then please call me Scarlett," I said holding out my hand to shake. 

"So what are you doing in Red Bull?" she asked. 

"Oh well you know, I need to talk to Christian, Max, and Pierre so..." I trailed off and she nodded. 

"Well, Pierre will be thrilled to finally meet you. He and Charles are such dear friends," she said. 

"Oh my gosh! It's always Pierre this, Pierre that, there was this one time when Pierre and I." I laughed, and she burst out laughing as well. 

"We should be friends!" she exclaimed and I was taken aback. 

"Why would you want to be friends with me?" I asked confused and she frowned, 

"Well why not, if your husband and my boyfriends are friends why can't we?" she asked. 

I shook my head, "Being Queen doesn't really give the privilege of having friends. You see in the end the crown must always win." I explained. 

"Well I think you should try," she suggested. I just sat back thinking, I mean what could go wrong? Well that's a bad question because one of my "friends" got kicked out of France, Monaco, and Italy for something she did, so breaking multiply laws in multiple countries is one thing. 

"Let's do it!" I exclaimed suddenly, shocking her, but then she smiled. 

"So, what is it like being such close friends with some of the drivers?" she asked earning a laugh from me. 

"Hard. 45% of my work is running a country, I have people who can sign things for me, but that 55% is me listening to all the complaints and grid drama." I replied. 

"They really do call you?" she asked surprised and I nodded. 

"I don't mind though, I've grown up around all of them just as their careers really took off and the fame, money, and girls came along," I explained just as my phone rang. "Romeo." I jumped, "excuse me." I said and walked outside. "Romeo, what's wrong?" I asked. 

Romeo sighed, "We have to send you on a tour." he said calmly. 

"WHY!" I yelled. 

"You are growing in popularity, but people don't know you, especially the teens. You are going on a tour to connect with the young adults of the world. Also, you are going to have to let a girl of your choice shadow you for a week including at a race." he explained, and to say I was fuming was an understatement. 

"Fine." I gave up. 

"Ok and set up another dinner? I asked.

 "How about at the Aqua Shard again?" he asked.

 "Sure why not, I have to go," I said as the results for practice one came in. Caterina and I continued to talk through the second practice trying not to be too worried about crashes or something. As soon as the boys were all done and the crowds dispersed and I slid through the crowd to the Red Bull garage. 

"Christian!" I called to the principal. 

"Over here!" he called and I saw him talking to Max and Daniel. 

"Perfect! Your three get dressed we are going to dinner at the Aqua Shard!" I explained. 

"Whyyyy!" Daniel pouted and Max slapped him.

 "Because the Queen commands." I joked.

 "Fine, but ONLY because you are a Queen." he replied, while Max and Christian rolled their eyes. "

A queen that has you, Daniel Ricciardo wrapped around her little finger." Christian muttered then walked out. "We'll be ready soon," Max said while dragging a groaning Daniel to the motorhome. 

"Wait a minute why is Daniel in Red Bull?" I asked out loud kind of to myself and the rest of the team just shrugged. I weaved around to the Ferrari garage where I found Pierre and Charles joking around. "Mon Amour!" I called and Charles grinned running up to hug me. 

"I missed having you around," he whispered. 

I pulled back holding his cheek "Well don't get used to it because I'm going to be around for a long time." I smiled. 

"Have you thought any?" he asked.

I shook my head, "I will tell you after Monza!" I exclaimed and he rolled his eyes with a grin. 

"Always keeping me on the edge, never letting me get that satisfying release." he joked. 

I smirked "Baby that's your job." I said and walked away swaying my hips. Wait..."You be ready for a family dinner at the Aqua Shard!" I called not staying to hear the complaints. 

I was tired of walking in heels, so I turned back to Mercedes and called everyone else who was included. I walked to Lewis' motorhome where singing could be heard. "I'm the champion! I'm gonna win this race and ain't nobody gonna stop me!" he sang as I slipped in the home. I took a video of him hopping and shaking around.

 "Your fans will love this!" I called with the biggest smirk on my lips. 

"Gigi!" he screamed in a girly pitch and I burst out laughing. "Hamilton...get dressed," I said. 

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