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#1 in Charles Leclerc!!! 5/28/20

"Are you ok?" Daniel whispered as we walked back into the palace. I was finally home in Monaco, but I rather be anywhere but here. 

"The sad part is that my memory loss was permanent and I don't remember all of our times together."I whispered back and I felt Daniel hugging me. "I know this might not be a  good time , but our friends would like to know what happened." Daniel stated resulting in a heavy sight form me. 

"Bring them in." I replied.

Soon Lewis, Max, Pierre, Kimi, Sebastian, Lando, and Carlos were sitting in the lunge with us. 

"SO you want to know what happened?"I muttered taking a large swig of Vodka straight from the bottle and I swear I saw Kimi swell with pride. They all nodded slowly, probably scared I was about to fall off the wagon. 

"After Kimi told me to go find Lewis my little trio got on a plane to LA. My regular Pilot was on vacation, so we got some replacement on short notice. Charles and Romeo convinced me it would be ok to fly and we got on the plane to LA. Everything was fine, we found Lewis and became friends again after a nice long fight. On the way back Lewis decided that he would come back with us, so we all were at the airport, but something was up with an engine. So Romeo went to go check inside to see what the deal was, but Charles realized that something wasn't right and ran after Romeo only for the plane to suddenly explode. Lewis did the best thing he could and dragged me away from the scene before I could see anything else. They were both rushed to the hospital and at 11:45 we got the news." I explained managing to not cry, but the drivers were failing to do so. 

Pierre looked me dead in the eyes and I back into his pink ones, "Did he suffer?"he asked forcefully and I understood he had just lost a close friend. "No, according to the doctors it was quick." I explained. 

"That kid did a lot of good in Formula 1. So many things changed because of him." Lewis stated. I let out a chuckle, "I remember when I went to my first race in a long time here and he was so excited that I came." I reminisced 

"I hear F1 is going to honor him in some way." Daniel replied. 

"Oh  for fucks sake!" Max burst out suddenly. 

" you have something you would like to say?" I asked softly, but he just sent me a nasty look. 

"Why won't you say his name?" He asked. "I don't know." I replied. 

"Stop be a fucking wimp and say it!" he yelled at me. 




"SAY IT GODDAMN IT!" He roared. 

"ROMEO!"I yelled and covered my mouths as tears sprang from my eyes. "I'm sorry if it's hard for  me to say the name of my cousin who was my closest family member and murdered by someone who wanted me dead, but instead he was killed!" I continued yelling. "Last time I checked you all are not in this family, so I do not have to explain anything to you or justify anything. You are my family, but I draw the line here! He was my last close family member. It's just me! So I'm sorry If I'm not processing the fact that I have no one left and I have to uphold a centuries worth of royalty all by myself! I exclaimed. 

"You have me." Charles whispered as he came in the room and sat by me. "FINALLY!" Max exclaimed and everyone left the room to let Charles and I talk. 

"It could've been you." I muttered. 

"Yes, but it wasn't and I am grateful for that every single day, but I also feel some what guilty." he replied. I just laid my head on his shoulder and our hands found each other, "You know Romeo, always told me how much you used loved me." I whispered. Charles let out a small laugh,"He was wrong." and my heart fell. "I didn't use to love you, I still love you and probably even more than I did when we were married." he stated, "I think I got so involved with Charlotte, because I wanted to bury my feelings for you, but to honor Romeo I want you to know that I love you more than you can imagine." he continued and butterflies retuned to my stomach. 

"You still give me butterflies." I joked. 

"You make me feel like a shy high school boy all over again." he replied.

"Let's be happy." I stated suddenly and Charles looked at me funny. "I thought we are happy, I mean beside the fact about Romeo." he said. I shook my head, "No...I mean let's just get along with no drama and let's start fresh." I explained. 

Charles jumped up and held his hand out to me, "My name is Charles Leclerc and I would like to ask you out on a date tomorrow." he said and I just started laughing really hard. "Scarlett Leclerc and I would love to go on a date with you, Prince Leclerc." I replied. A sad look came over Charles' face as I said those words, "You kept my name?" he asked. "Of course I did! I never took my rings off either." I replied. Charles showed me a necklace with a gold ring, "Me too." he whispered. Our eyes caught each other, amber mixing with green and it seemed as if time stood still once again. I stood up to be level with Charles and he pulled me flush against him our lips only a whispered away. "Trust me." he whispered. "Promise me." I whispered back and he sealed the gap and our promises. 

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