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"Good Morning Sunshine!" Daniel exclaimed as he skipped into my room, "OH MY GOD!" he screamed when he saw a shirtless Charles beside me in bed. "Get out." I mumbled in a sleepy voice and Daniel quickly retreated, but not with out taking a picture of us. 

"How are you?" Charles asked me and I just turned away form him, "Leave me alone." I muttered. Instead of getting mad and huffy like Charles normally would he surprised me, "I know you are hurting, but please do not shut me out." he said softly and rolled out of bed. I should have said something, but I didn't. I just laid there replaying the memories I had left of Romeo on repeat in my mind. It went on like this for a whole a week, I never left bed except to shower and eat a small piece of food. Everyone tried to talk to me, but Charles turned them away for me despite the fact we were living in the same house, saying that I need to get through this on my own terms. 

Finally one morning Charles had enough, "Get up!" he yelled, but I didn't budge. "Scarlett please! You're hurting yourself." he said. 

"I'm fine."I mumbled. 

"No! No you are not!" he exclaimed. "You have lost too much weight! This isn't healthy for you." he continues yelling, but I ignored him till I felt Charles laying down next to me. His lips attached to mine and the butterflies in my stomach returned. "Please." he whispered. "I'm fine." I muttered. Charles just huffed, "If you don't get out of bed right not and eat something, I won't have sex with you ever again." he stated. 

"Who said I wanted to do it with you?" I snapped trying to hide my emotions. 

Charles rolled to hover over me, "You sure about that?" he asked and I nodded. Charles moved his hand down to my thighs and started to draw circles around them. We kept eyes contact as he moved one of his hands under my shirt and I let out a soft gasp. "Charles stop." I whispered. "Just relax." he whined. "Charles stop!" I exclaimed and I jumped out of the bed.

"What's wrong, Mon Ange?" he asked worriedly. 

"Everything." I whispered 

"WE ARE BACK!" I heard the drivers yelling and Charles had a defeated look on his face.  "Let's figure this out later." he mumbled and went downstairs. 

I decided to follow him decided to follow him down to see the boys jumping around in circles and then they all hugged me tightly. I guess they were glad I wasn't dead yet. 

Suddenly my phone started ringing and I saw it was Will Buxton. 

"Hey!" I exclaimed

"Hello! I was wondering if you have been quarantining with some of the drivers? If so who?" he asked.

"Max, Charles, Daniel, Lewis, Kimi, Sebastian, and Mic—Lando and Carlos" I said and then I saw Micheal motioning me to say his name. "Also my Uncle Michael." I added. 

"You have an Uncle?" he questioned. 

"God Father, but close enough. Anyways, why do you need them?" 

"Could I come in to the palace and do an interview with you and them for the fans?" he asked. 

"Absolutely! It's 11:45 am right now so how fast can you get here?" I asked.

"I actually just passes the gates, but I can turn around." he replied. 

"Great! They guards know who you are, so come right in!" I exclaimed and we hung up

"What was that about?" Charles asked. "You'll see." I smirked and looked around the room. Everyone was sporting shorts or sweatpants with no shirts except Kimi, Sebastian, and Michael who were a little bit more mature. I on the other hand was in light blue nike shorts, knee high socks, and a sweatshirt. The doorbell rang and I instructed the boys to sit on the floor or the couch, while I went to the door. 

"Hello!" Will exclaimed giving me a quick hug and I showed him in to the family room. "Are the cameras on?" I whispered and he nodded as the boys all waved too will. 

"An interview!" Michael exclaimed happily and Will froze. "Scarlett, when you said Uncle Michael...I didn't think you meant Michael Schumacher!" will hissed and I just grinned. "He's just another driver." I replied and took a seat between Daniel and Max. 

"So everyone I am here at Queen Scarlett's palace in Monaco with her and the drivers. We have some question from fans that will be answered." Will explained. 

"Bring it on!" Daniel exclaimed and I ruffled his fluffy hair. 

"Alright first question is....Sebastian rumors are you are moving to Mercedes! Is that true or just rumors?" he asked. We all chuckled while Sebastian struggled to say the right words, "If I may interject!" I interjected and Will nodded. "If you read these articles the only thing different about them is the title. They all have the same thing in them, but no solid hard facts and even if a driver were to be in talks with another team, they would not share that information till the deal was done." I explained. "So I guess that answers that." Max stated. 

"Next...oh wow! Scarlett is it true you and Michale will be taking over Ferrari for the 2021 season?" Will asked and all the drivers whipped around to look at me. 

"No time better than the present." Michael shrugged as I let out a sigh. Let's add some fire to sill season!

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