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"I'm sorry. I didn't realize something" Roman the reserved and quiet one said softly. I raised a brow, "There is something called the butterfly effect. It means that when one thing happens it not only affects the object ur everything associated with that object." His brothers looked at him confused. 

"Imagine if one of our ancestors had been in a different place at one exact moment you would not exist, that small event caused a whole other ripple of events" he explained and this time they got it. 

"Soooo, when Antoine died it changed a whole reality. Scarlett was never going to be Queen. Her children would never be heir to the throne. She could have lived a normal life. Sapphire wouldn't be dead right now. You guys screwed up the family with your stupidity and have made it all about forgiveness on something that's been forgiven." Roman continued. 

"So I don't  get it, what do we apologize for if it's not about Antoine?" Luka asked and Roman and I shared a look. 

"Ruining my life. Condemning me to a life of ruling a country that while I am grateful, I was supposed to be a showjumper, not a Sovereign." I whispered as I held back my tears.

 Roman, who I think is turning into my favorite cousin came and gave me a big hug. 

"Scarlett, would you like to hear the story from our point of view?" Oliver asked who apparently thought he had some leverage with me, but I held my tongue and nodded. 

"We were playing around. We decided to set up an extremely hard course, that we couldn't even do, and we knew if anyone could do it, it would be Antoine." Nico started. 

"Yes, well clearly we saw how that worked out." I snapped. 

"Scarlett, please," Roman muttered. 

"Anyway, we messed up the trading in a triple bounce, he realized it and tried to stop, but his horse spooked and reared." Nico continued. 

"And because he was trying to stop he was already pulling back when his horse reared, making the horse lose his balance and fall back on top of Antoine," I whispered and they nodded. 

"Now, Roman you blamed these three, were you not there?" I asked and he shook his head.

 "I was running to get you to try and stop it, but you remember when I rounded the corner and saw you we heard the bang," he explained.

 I nodded remembering holding Antoine's lifeless body in my arms when I arrived in the arena. "I forgive you, boys," I whispered and went to my office on the plane. I can't believe this has all happened within a few months, but at this point, I don't think anything else can actually go wrong. 

                                                                           ONE MONTH LATER

Well life if as someone is playing a sick joke on me has gotten crazy. Having four young men two age 19 and two 21 in the house is very trying on me. I finally caved in and started giving them an Agenda of events and responsibilities to do to get some of my duties done and get them out of the house. 


"I'm here!" he said gasping for breath and slipping into first class. One problem with being them is they are extremely famous in the horse world and then seeing them with me the fans were extra excited. 

"Welcome aboard Emirates flight service to Abu Dhabi! Please come to us if you need any help whatsoever." a flight attendant said to us as we boarded the plane.

 I've decided that the royal family will not fly private unless absolutely needed to help with lowering fuel emissions. 

"I want to sit with Scarlett!" Oliver called and I shook my head. 

"We've rented out the whole first-class stupid and everyone has their own private cabin," I exclaimed pointing to the obvious.  I slipped into my cabin and within minutes fell asleep and didn't wake up till I felt the plane touch the ground, because many people don't know this, but I m terrified of flying. 

"Let's GOOOO!" Oliver and Nico the older twins exclaimed running through the airport.

 "So, who are we meeting?" Luka asked. 

"Probably, we are going to see Lewis, Toto, Max, Christian, Alex, Charles, Sebastian, Mattia, Carlos, Lando, Kimi, Mick, and Daniel," I explained as we walked to the car SUV waiting for us. 

"Mick Schumacher?" Roman questioned and I nodded. 

"Yeah, my dad was extremely close with Michael so I look out for Mick every now and again," I explained. 

"He isn't in F1 though, so why would he be here?" they asked and I remembered F1 was a love only shared by my father and me. 

"There is more than one level of formula racing, Mick racing in F2," I explained. 

When we got in the car the music was already pumping and Nico was having the time of his life. "Please behave! You don't get much wiggle room, because you are now representing the Royal Family and I. Will. Not. have you taint that name." I said sternly and they all nodded. the rest of the ride was calm and soon we were parked at our hotel. 

"Ok, listen you get in your suits then bring me all your medals, ribbons, sash, and sword and I'll help you out, but listen we can not make the wrong step, because we are not in Europe anymore. " I begged them and they nodded.

 We left to our rooms where I showered and got myself into my gown, surprisingly without help. I touched up my makeup for some drama and then pulled on my white elbow-length gloves, sash, medals, pins, and finally the Queen's crown, just as I heard a knock on my door.

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