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"Absolutely not. My driving put you in danger!" he exclaimed and I jumped out of bed.

 "WELL, I am asking you to race!" I yelled at him and he just shook his head. "Charles, please." I whispered "I died and came back to life, which means you can get in the goddamn car a race. You did well in quali so now all you have to do is drive!" I yelled at him and he stood up beside me. 

"I love you so much," he said and I smiled knowing I won the argument.

 I looked down at my watch, "Charles...I forgot to tell you. Awhile back I made a deal with Toto that today Lewis and I would be at the tracks at the crack of dawn." I explained to him and his head shot up. 

"Scarlett...please tell me you are not racing?" he and I looked down. 

"You are?" he whispered and I nodded. 

"In what car," he asked sharply. 

"I am racing in the new 2020 812 super fast, both of us are actually." I told him and Charles took a deep breath, "Promise me...just promise to beat the arrogant bastard." he muttered and I burst out laughing.

 "I promise!" he gave me a big hug again. 

"I am really happy you are back and could I ask one more thing?" he said and I just nodded. "Can you plan our wedding, because I want to marry you not just on paper but in front of friends and family." he requested.

 "I would love nothing more." said and went to change into my heeled boots. I might be the Queen of a country, but I still dress how I want and if I want to wear a sweatshirt, I am going to wear the dang sweatshirt and heels together. I looked kinda like Arian Grande. 

"You are racing in that?" Charles asked confused from his spot on the bed. 

"Yeah, what's wrong with it?" I asked. 

"I'm just saying you haven't raced in a while, maybe heels aren't the best idea," he explained and I shook my head. 

"Leave me alone, I know what I'm doing." I joked and he groaned. "Kimi is a bad influence." 

"I love you!" I called as I went to leave the room. 

"Love you more!" he called and I shut the door just as another opened.

 "Welcome to the land of the living!" Toto Wolff's voice called and I went to give him a hug. 

"Good to be back." I joked and he laughed. "Now, where is your Champion?" I asked. 

"Right here." Lewis yawned as he stumbled out of his room. "Why am I up so early, and where are we going?" he asked me and Toto. 

"You'll see," I said and Lewis groaned. We went down to the lobby, where my a Land Rover waited for us to take us the track. 

"Were you ever a grid girl?" Toto asked me and Lewis burst out laughing. 

"We don't talk about that," I muttered and Toto's mouth dropped. "It was a one-time thing," I replied and the conversation was left there and Lewis and Toto started talking about the race. I watched as we pulled into COTA the sun started to rise to turn the horizon a lighter color

. "I can't believe the hospital let you out," Lewis said to me and I smirked. "You know, being Royalty has its perks," I replied.

 "So...Lewis do you know why we are here?" Toto asked with a boyish grin.

 "So we can steal Charles helmet again." he blurted out and my head snapped toward Lewis who froze. 

"You...WHAT!" I yelled. 

"He's joking!" Toto assured me and I just went along, but Lewis was being extremely quiet. "Are we doing a promo? Photoshoot?" he asked and I shook my head. 

"We are going for a race," I exclaimed while we got out of the car. 

"I am not racing you this early in the morning." Lewis groaned as he saw our cars parked. 

"Yes you will, because one, I almost died, Two it is for a promo. Three, I have to sit with Celebrities all day and entertain them, because the Royal Family is a sponsor of the COTA." I snapped and he nodded. 

"One. Lap. Only." and walked to grab a helmet. "He's gonna lose," Toto said through laughter. 

"I am counting on it, and he doesn't know our friends are watching us," I exclaimed. "I'm glad you are involved with Charles because this year would have been very dull." Toto said sincerely and I smiled, "I feel the same way." 

Soon Lewis came back and we were waiting for lights out, which was happening in 3...2...Gooooo!. I hit the gas and were gone like horses in a race. I think Lewis was really tired because as much as he tried to overtake me he couldn't get around me, or maybe I'm just that good. Sadly the fun ended as quickly as it started when the checkered flag came down. 

"I think you killed the car!" Toto exclaimed running back onto the track and I grinned as the cheers of our friends could be heard as they swarmed the track. 

"Oh noooo!" Lewis groaned as he walked over to us.

 "You got dusted by someone who hasn't raced in Formula 1 before!" Daniel exclaimed. 

"But she's good!" Lando exclaimed and I hugged both of them. 

"Hey, she should get into racing, get her license, and then race in Formula!" Max exclaimed and I laughed. 

"Ok, only if you try Formula Drift!" I replied. 

"Why does everyone say that!" he exclaimed. "Have you watched yourself!" I replied and he facepalmed. 

"How do you know so much about Max's driving?" Charles asked me. "He's my second favorite driver!" I exclaimed and a look of hurt flashed across his face. "I thought I was your second favorite driver," he grumbled and I sent him a look. "You are not." I snapped. 

"Well am I third, because Kimi is your favorite driver," he yelled at me and I rolled my eyes. 

"Are you really yelling at her after all she just went through and the effort she made to come here!" Max asked Charles calmly. 

"Why is it that all these guys stand up for you! Have you slept with all of them? Do you do them favors so they can stay in Formula 1! I know you have a lot of power with FIA officials." he continued yelling. I strode up to Charles and smacked him clear across the face. 

"How dare you! Suggest that I would ever be unfaithful to you. I do recall you got MY sister pregnant and then that resulted in their death and me almost dying!" I exclaimed and he scoffed. 

"You always blame me for stuff. Do you think I want to be married to a woman who upstages me in every situation!" he yelled. "It's not Charles Leclerc and his wife Queen Scarlett of Monaco. It is her Majesty Queen Scarlett of Monaco and her husband Prince Charles Leclerc! I even have a lower status than you!" he continued. 

My blood was boiling at this point, "Fine! Walk away!" I yelled and he turned, "But!" I added and he flipped around. "When you walk away you are breaking our agreement. You will be the one who failed Monaco." I said standing tall with my power radiating from me. 

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