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Silence descended upon our small group while Charles stared at me. "Are you serious right now?" he questioned. 

"Very." I hissed. 

"You would throw away everything?" he asked and I walked closer. 

"No. Would you throw everything away, Charles?" I replied. 

"I can't do this right now," he muttered and walked away. 

"Charles!" I yelled at him, but he just kept walking. I felt my heart breaking into a million pieces. "He actually did it...YOU BASTARD!" Lewis yelled at Charles' back. 

I felt tears rolling down my face as someone took me into their strong arms, "It will be ok." the voice whispered in dutch. Max. The one friend that was not foreseen in the stars. "You don't know that," I muttered. He flipped me around to look him in the eyes, "Yes I do, because every time you something brings you down you come back stronger." he said.

 "Alrighty, then Mad Max," I said. 

"Hey, you!" Lewis called me over.

 "Look here...you don't need him," he whispered and I nodded. 

"I–just after everything we went through!" I exclaimed and Lewis nodded hugging me. 

"How about for Christmas you invite your friends over and you guys have a fun time on the yacht and maybe you'll meet another guy," he suggested and I nodded. 

"Hey, guys! Christmas at my place, more information to come!" I called and Lewis laughed. "Deal." I smiled at the guys who were slowly turning into my family. "I can't believe I'm losing him," I whispered. 

"You didn't lose him, he lost you," Daniel assured me. 

Suddenly cheering could be heard and we saw the fans being let into the stands and around the grounds. "You guys need to go!" I exclaimed rushing them along. "You know we have our presentation," Sebastian whispered as we walked together to their garage. "Yeah, I've got it," I muttered and we entered the garage.

 I saw Charles sitting on a bench with his head in his hands and out of instinct I rushed over to him. "You've got this Charles," I whispered to him and he jumped. 

"I keep hurting you," he whispered. 

"I'll miss you," I said with tears in my eyes. 

"Please don't go," he said staring into my eyes. "What are we going to do?" he asked me and I felt love and hate flowing through me all at once.

 "Ladies and gentlemen, Her Majesty Queen Scarlett of Monaco, Prince Charles, and Sebastian Vettel." someone announced and we turned to see some celebrities. "Oh.My.God! Charles!" I exclaimed tapping him on the shoulder. 

"What?" he asked jumping up. I saw Tom Holland  in the group of people. I went a hug him to his surprise. Call me cliche, but I love Marvel. "Hello, Your Majesty," he said with a small bow. 

"Scarlett, please," I said smiling.

 I met the rest of the group who were extremely nice as well. "If you would all excuse me, I have to go talk to the fans." I smiled and walked away with the Charles. 

"Ma'am you will do a quick talk then you two will answer questions." a media official explained and I nodded as we reached the steps to the stage. "Charles we might have to tell them," I muttered and he shook his head.

 "Why?" he asked. 

"Well, you walked away and made your decision. I'll make you a deal. We separate live our lives for a year and a half, and if it doesn't work, I will be here with open arms." I said smiling. 

"Deal," he said and he gave me a big hug. 

"It is our honor to have Queen Scarlett and Prince Charles of Monaco!" Will announced as we walked on stage. "Thank you will!" I exclaimed giving him a small hug. "Thank you all for being here!' I exclaimed and the crowd cheered. "As you all know I hold the United States of America Grand Prix near and dear to my heart. It is where I met many of my friends from the grid today. I know all of you are extremely ready to get to the race and talk to Charles, so without further or do ask away." I announced to the group.

 "I just want to say your Majesty, welcome back! We are all pleased that you made a swift recovery. Now for your questions." Will said. A teen boy got the microphone. "This is to Charles. What is it like being married to a Queen?" he asked and we chuckled. 

"Oh well...I love her with all my heart, but it is really hard." Charles responded.

 Next was a reporter, "Your majesty, sources claim that you and Charles had a showdown on the track and he decided to walk away from your marriage. Care to comment?" he asked and I took a deep breath. "Your majesty, you do not have to comment!" Will exclaimed but I waved my hand.

 "Yes, earlier today Charles and I were in an argument. Words were exchanged that were not pleasant. It does pain me to say with a heavy heart that we have decided to split and leave our relationship as friends. Now while I would have rather made this announcement from my official press room, I respect the first amendment and America's reporters. Charles and I are happy to be friends and I will always continue to support my favorite driver." I said as my voice cracked at the end. 

We answered most of the fan's questions while I tried to keep it together, but then a small girl asked me one that sent me into tears. "Do you miss your brother?" She asked and it really took me by surprise, because I don't talk about my brother to anyone, not even Charles. "I...umm, I'm sorry I just haven't been asked that question," I responded. 

"Let me leave that to an official statement so everyone in the world can hear this story," I said kindly and walked off the stage. I left Charles and walked straight to the Paddock club where I would be talking with the special guest of the race. "C'mon boys!" I screamed as the race went underway.

 "So your Majesty...how does one get tangled up in Formula 1." A voice said and I turned to see Robert Downey Jr and I almost fainted. 

"Call me Scarlett please," I said. 

"Well F1 has always run in the family. My dad was close friend with Michael Schumacher who is the best driver ever. Ever. So it just got passed down to me." I explained and he nodded. 

"Now, the news is everywhere of your split with Charles...care to comment?" He asked and I sighed. "We have extremely time consuming jobs that require so much of us, we just couldn't meet halfway," I explained. 

"Understood." He said smiling. "LEWIS!" I screamed as I watch him come in second place knowing that was enough for him to secure the win. 

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