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I woke up again and saw Michael sitting beside my bed still. 

"Uncle Michael?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Why are you here?" I asked the obvious question. "You needed a family member. I decided to risk my exposure because family is above all else." He explained. 

"Thank you," I whispered. 

"Now tell me why there are a bunch of boys living in here?" he asked with a smirk. "Oh! I don't know!" I explained. I quickly got out of bed, but clearly, that was a bad idea, because I started to fall. "Whoah there!" he exclaimed catching me before I hit the ground and then set me down gently. 

"How about I give you a piggyback ride to wherever you want?" Michael asked trying to keep me from falling again.  "I guess we should go to see the people at my house," I stated. Michael nodded and helped me stand on the bed so I could get on his back.

"Ready?" he asked. 

"As I'll ever be," I said nervously as he started walking toward the sound of voices. A lot of voices. "Wait Michael!" I exclaimed. 


"So do these people know you're here?" I asked and he chuckled "They do, but they are too scared to talk to me. Well except  Kimi ." He replied. "I'll properly introduce you all," I vowed as he carried me into the lounge room.

 "Special delivery," he called and everyone started cheering and yelling as I came into view. 

A bunch of people got up to run to me but stopped short when Michael put his hand out. "Easy! One at a time," he said calmly. 

"Scarlett?" Daniel asked.

"What's up, Honey Badger?" I asked. He shook his head at the nickname, "I know you're royalty, but you are like being carried by Formula 1 royalty." He exclaimed. 

"Are you all really that nervous of him?" I asked and he nodded. I rolled my eyes and slid down off of Michael's back. "I'm not!" Kimi replied. 

"That's because you two are friends," Daniel muttered. I motioned for Lewis to come over. He gave me a big hug, "Glad you're back even though you missed our last few races." he said.

 "OH MY GOD! Did you...." I questioned. "Number Six all for you Scarlett!" he exclaimed and I jumped into his arms. "That's amazing!" I exclaimed. "I had to!" he replied. 

Give me your hand." I demanded. He sent me a weird look while holding out his hand. "Michael your hand please," I ordered and he followed directions. I pulled Lewis over to Michael to the point where they were shaking hands. 

"Uncle M this is Lewis Hamilton, my best friend who is going to beat your record. Lewis this is my Godfather, who you know already." I said. "Pleasure to meet you again," Lewis said politely. 

"It will always be a pleasure to meet you in till you break my record," Michael replied with a dead serious face and Lewis gulped, while I elbowed Michael. 

"Uncle M!" I hissed. 

"Only joking of course!" he rushed quickly.

 "It takes some time getting used to his humor," I explained. I smiled as the random people came to talk to us. "Sorry to be rude, but who are you all?" I asked politely. 

"Do you remember before when you took me to the track here in Monaco, could we go back sometime ?" Lewis asked. Track? "I never took you to any track here in Monaco," I said confused.

"Right after Lando and Charles fell out of the boat." Lewis reminded me. "Who are Lando and Charles and why did they fall out of my yacht!" I exclaimed and it got quiet. 

"Scarlett...stop messing around you were there!" Lewis exclaimed, but his eyes were filled with worried. "Do you remember when Charles Cheated on you?" a man asked.

 "Who are you?" I asked now there was a stranger in my house. 

"C'mon it's me Lando." the supposed man named Lando exclaimed. "I only know Lewis, Daniel, Kimi, Michael, and Sebastian. Do you other guys race in formula 1?" I asked.

 "NO.no.no! You know us ! It's me Max!" the man who was claiming himself as Max exclaimed frantically. 

"Everybody back up!" Michael yelled running up to me as I swayed again. 

"Michael...what's happening?" I whispered. "You are having memory loss, but it will come back. It is extremely normal." he assured me. "Lewis...take her upstairs and stay with her." Michael muttered to Lewis who took me in his arms. 

"Alright, Gigi...we are going to watch The Polar express and different Christmas and have fun for the rest of tonight." Lewi explained trying to distract me from my dilemma. 

"Ok," I replied letting out a yawn. "Let me change so we can at least watch one movie before you fall asleep." Lewis joked and ran off to change, leaving me standing in the middle of my room. I quickly changed into grey sweatpants and one of Lewis' grey Mercedes sweatshirt. Pain shot through me leg and I looked down to see a pink cast on my left leg and my left wrist. "How did I not notice that!" I exclaimed. "Michael told us not to bring any attention to it, so you wouldn't freak out!" Lewis exclaimed and I jumped back only to lose my balance and fall. Luckily it was on the bed and not the floor. "Scarlett!" Lewis exclaimed rushing over to me, but I flinched and he stopped short. 

"Scarlett...are you scared of me?" Lewis asked, but I just looked down. 

"Can you get the Kimi and Sebastian?" I whispered not looking him in the eyes still. I heard him leave and I curled up in my huge California king bed in the dark. Suddenly I felt the bed dip on either side of me. 

"Are you ok?" Sebastian whispered. "No," I muttered. "That's ok," he replied while Kimi put on the polar express. The last thing I can remember is singing along to the Hot Chocolate song. 

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