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"Welcome aboard your Majesty!" the captain said as I boarded the private jet. "Thank you!" I said shaking his hand as I walked on, but then I stopped and turned to look back at the pilot. 

"You have been flying my family around for over twenty years and I have never once asked your name or had a conversation with you," I said and he let out a smile while looking down.

 "It's ok ma'am, I'm sure you have more important issues," he said softly. 

"No! My father believed that Royals are in a league above our citizen, but I disagree. So I will start by asking your name." I said sticking out my hand.

 "Captain Maximilian Beauregard," he replied as he returned the handshake. "You must have mistaken me for my father, he was your fathers pilot, but I am your pilot now ma'am," he added.

"Oh right! You are from America!" I exclaimed and he nodded.

 "Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but you served in the Marines as a pilot," I questioned.

 "Yes ma'am that is correct," he said looking sort of uncomfortable about the subject.

 "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you and thank you for your service," I said and headed back inside the airplane. Romeo looked at me with his eye brows raised, "What has gotten into you?" he asked. I just shrugged as I watched the plane move down the tarmac. "I have decided to give myself this opportunity to start over," I explained. "Good for you," Romeo said still confused as to why I was being so nice. It doesn't matter, because the only thing I want to do right now is sleep. 

"No!" I screamed as I watched Charles crash at Suzuka. I felt my father holding me back as I tired to run on from the hospitality suite to the track. I escaped and ran into the pit lane in the pouring rain, but I felt arms holding onto me. Lando held me as we both got soaked in the rain, but I didn't matter, because my friend was gone. There was no way he survived that crash. Soon helicopters could be heard over head as they went to asses the scene. "Lando...he's gone!" I wailed. "You don't know that!" he exclaimed, but I shook my head. "He's gone," I whispered, and then it went black.

"Romeo!" I shouted in fear. 

"Yeah!" He called back.

"I had this weird dream, Charles crashed and Lando was holding me back in the rain. What was that?" I asked.

"One of your first memories, except it wasn't Charles." He replied and it hit me. "I remember the crash!" I realized. 

"Bingo!" Romeo called from his seat behind. Slowly I fell back asleep, lost in a world of dreams. 

"I don't have time for this," I muttered to myself as I walked to Ferrari hospitality. "Hey Champ!" I called to Sebastian who was getting ready to leave. "I am nervous for tonight," he exclaimed and I cracked a smile. "Oh it'll be fun! See you tonight." I said giving him a quick hug. I walked back to see Charles chatting with some fans. "Could you excuse us," I said softly as I wrapped Charles by the arm and walked to the back of the room in a corner. "What the fuck!" I hissed, "Why are you doing this? I never did anything to you. What ever internal conflict you have going on inside you need to let it go, because this is honestly pathetic!" I yelled at him and he just shook his head. "I'm not the problem!" he shot back at me and brushed my shoulder, but it was stronger than intended and I stumbled back. Before I could say anything I heard a punching and a crack, then groaning. I saw Charles rolling on the floor, while Lando stood with a look of murderous rage on his face. "Lando are you, ok baby," I whispered grabbing his blood knuckles and kissed them. "As long as you are," he said proudly. "I have to check on him," I said referring to Charles who was now sitting on a chair with ice, while Mattia and Romeo were talking about what happened. "Charles?" I whispered and he flipped me off. "Fuck Off" he whispered and I nodded. "Fine" I whispered back. My dream suddenly switched to a different memory...

Lena, the interviewer came up to me, "So, what is going on over there?" she asked. I laughed, "Unless you the Iceman many of the other drivers never grow up. He may be a Prince and Ferrari driver, but he is still a kid at heart like many of the drivers!" I explained. She laughed as well, "So, it must be fun having all these drivers in your li-" She was cut off by Daniel and Lewis walking in the interview making funny faces. "Exhibit A!" I said hugging the two drivers. "When are you going to let someone else win Lewis?" I joked and he smirked, "When I retire." he said. "Hopefully soon." Daniel joked. "Shut Honey Badger." Lewis and I both shot at him, then we all started laughing. "So, I see you are close to the drivers," Lena stated. "Oh well I grew up around them, many cause Jules always had them over," I explained. "We have to go to press conferences, but do you want us to send Leclerc your way?" Daniel asked. "That would be great!" I replied and they gave me hugs. "Bye love you two, and congratulations again Lew!" I called as they walked away. "So before Charles comes, how are you really with this whole doomsday fiasco?" Lena asked and I sighed. "Oh well you know, I'm ok. It's been a month and everything is falling into place." I explained and she nodded, "Well I think you are an amazing role model to everyone! Putting your country before yourself even when it wasn't favorable for you shows such bravery." she replied and I smiled before I felt a kiss on the shoulder. "Alright! We have the royal couple of Monaco Queen Scarlett and Prince Charles joining us for 73 questions interview at the French Grand Prix!" Lena announced. "So, when did you two meet?" she asked. "Charles was 1 1/2 and I was just born." I replied. "So you really know each other better than anyone?" Charles responded, "Oh of course. Scarlett knows me better than I know myself." The interview kept going for a while and finally we got to the last question. "What is your favorite part or thing about each other?" I started, "I love his eyes, because he holds all his emotion in them Many of you see pictures of him sitting with a stone face, but if you look at his eyes they will tell you everything." and Charles smiled. "What about you Charles?". "I love that from the day we met you have always been on my side. That even when Jules and my father passed and I was horrible towards you for years, you still loved and supported me. I love the way you hug me when have a hard day and don't feel like talking. I love the way you care for the other drivers even though you are terrified for them you stay strong for them. So I guess in short what I'm saying is...I love you." he said softly staring in my eyes the whole time. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my lips and broke into a smile as butterflies swarmed. "Well I can say that this is our favorite Royal Couple and I can't wait to see your wedding!" she exclaimed and ended the interview. "You're a good actor." I replied, but he shook his head. "Scarlett I have been in love with you since we started dating. I know you have too because you act differently around me than Lando" he said. "How do you know I act differently?" I said. He smirked, "Do you think if he treated you the way I did you would stick around?" he asked and silence followed. I grabbed his hand and we walked away in our own little world of bliss. 

I shot up out of my chair quickly and ran to the cockpit of the airplane. "Captain Beauregard how long have we been flying?" I asked through the phone connecting the cabin to the cockpit. "About two hours ma'am. What can I do for you?" he asked. I took a shaky breath, "We need to go back to Melbourne right now!"I ordered. "Yes, Ma'am. One route to Melbourne, flight length 2 and a half hours," he replied and as I walked back to my seat I saw felt the plane being turned around. Romeo just sat with a hug smirk on his face. What the heck have I done?

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