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"Hey crazy!" Mick Schumacher exclaimed as he walked in my room. 

"Hey, Mickie Mouse!" I called earning an eye roll from him. 

"Must you use that nickname?" he groaned. 

"Oh come on, you know you love it!" I replied. 

"Whatever you say," he mumbled. "Anyway how are you?" he said carefully. Mick sat down beside my hospital bed with a worried look on his face. Basically an extension of my family, Mick has always been there and I the same for his family. 

"I've seen better days, but I'm going to be ok," I responded. "Oh, how is dad and the rest of the family?" I added and a huge smile appeared on his face. 

"I can't remember the last time you called him Dad!" he exclaimed.

"C'mon you guys are basically family. I mean your my God Brother for goodness sakes!" I exclaimed. 

"Fair enough." 

"Exactly!" I smirked.

 We caught up for about a good two hours before Mick burst my good mood. "Umm...I don't want to be in this position, but dad wants to talk with you about the current situation you are in...let's just say he's not happy." Mick explained uncomfortably.

 "I can try to clear my schedule and see when I can make it to your home," I said softly, but he shook his head as he pulled out his phone. 

"Do you mind?" he asked.

 What could go wrong? Just one of the best formula 1 drivers and my Godfather being upset about something. No big deal. "Sure," I whispered. I hear the phone dialing, "Hallo!" I heard Michael say. 

" Hi, Michael," I replied and there was a pause. "Michael?" I questioned. 

"Uh...I'm sorry, hello Scarlett," he said.

 "Mick said you were upset?" I asked.

 "Mick! Why did you tell her!" he exclaimed angrily.

 "I'm sorry," he whispered. Clearly, this was a very emotional issue for the two of them, because they were very snappy. "Just say what it is please," I begged and I heard a heavy sigh. 

"Listen, you need to leave Charles. Permanently. He is messing with you way too much. You have been in the hospital and caused so many accidents because he can not grow up. That Lando Norris boy knew what was up, ok. He might act younger, but he respects you. Or the Verstappen kid, but I still prefer Lando." he stated and my mouth dropped. 

"What..." I whispered. 

"Here is what is going to happen, because I can not sit by and watch a boy destroy your life, I promised...never mind that. I want you to tell Charles never again will he be able to be with you, you either stay single, date Lando, or someone outside of formula one, and you draw endorsement from Ferrari and endorse Mercedes and Redbull just to get back at Ferrari," he explained. "Your father should have NEVER let you get involved in formula in the first place, epically what happened to Jules Bianchi!" he yelled and despite the fact it was over the phone, I shrunk back. 

"Why are you doing this all of the sudden?" I asked. 

"I am protecting you," he stated. 

"Ok, but what if I don't do this?" I asked as Mick signaled me to not ask, but the damage was done. 

"I will personally make sure Lewis Hamilton will not have a seat for 2021," he said simply. What in the hell is going on here!?!

"You wouldn't!" I exclaimed. 

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