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As the day rolled by Charlotte and I became friends as if I've known her my whole life. Some how my love for Charles turned into more of a sisterly watchful love as it was for the rest of the drivers, but there was a sliver of lust still there. Soon it was 9:40 and Daniel, Max, and I went down to the lobby. 

"Scarlett!" I heard Charles call and I turned to see the engaged couple walking together. 

"Hey! What's up?" I asked and Charles scratched the back of his neck nervously, "Do you mind is Charlotte comes on the plane?" He asked. I looked at him very confused , "Why are you asking me?" I asked. "Umm, because I don't want it to be weird and they are the royal family plane." He replied. "Last time I checked you and Charlotte are apart of this family, so technically all that stiff is yours too." I stayed and joy spread across his face. "I told you we were friends." Charlotte exclaimed to Charles. Charles looked at me funny "What are you doing?"   He asked me. "Whatever do you mean? "You don't do this stuff. You always have another motive." 

"Charles at least speak English. No I don't have a motive, except that I should be friends with the newest member of the family." I snapped as I started to get annoyed.

"Ok, honey lets go to the car." Max said steering me in that direction. "You guys are like an old married couple." Daniel smirked. "Oh really?" Max exclaimed as he swooped me up bridal style and continued to carry me. Daniel, Max, Lando, Kimi, Seb, Charlotte, and Charles all loaded into a van that was taking us to the airport. Romeo was flying with the crews to make sure everything went smooth on their end. 

"I'm so excited!" Lando bursted out. 

"Lando I flew private with you all the time." I said. "Yeah, but not with the whole F1 family. It's like a secret mission!" He exclaimed. "True!" Daniel added. I shrugged slightly, "I just sorry you guys can't have a small break, but I promise we will do fun things." I said. 

"So...I have to ask when is the wedding?" Sebastian question. 

"Well I wanted to have it in a chateau during August break somewhere in France, but everything is booked up." Charlotte explained and an idea came to me, "You can use my vacation home." I suggested. "What does it look like?" She asked hesitantly.

 "What does it look like?" She asked hesitantly

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"It's very nice." She said politely and I burst out laughing. "Oh you are too nice!" I exclaimed scrolling through my phone a bit more to pull up the home.

 "Oh you are too nice!" I exclaimed scrolling through my phone a bit more to pull up the home

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"It's not a huge Chateau, but it's home." I said and I saw tears welling in her eyes. "Would you mind if we held it there!" She asked. I grasped her hand gently "Of course." I whispered. Unbeknownst to me and n that moment everyone was staring at me in awe of how nice I was being. Only Max was the one to catch a flash of list in Charles eyes before he looked back to Charlotte. 

"I want to sit next to her!" Max and Daniel argues as we got to the airport entrance. We had to wait for the rest of everyone to arrive, which they did shortly. Soon we made it through security and we waiting to board the plane. 

"Excuse me, could I get a picture." a small girl asked me and Charles. I looked down at my sweatpants and sweatshirt outfit. "Sure!" I exclaimed and Charles and I picked her up together. We placed a kiss  on her cheeks as he mom snapped away. "Beautiful!" Her mom exclaimed and the left, but soon a girl around 8 came up to us. "Hi! What's your name?" I asked with a big smile. She has the same skin tone as me and eyes the color of Charles' eyes. "Oh my God." I heard some drivers whisper. The girl looked exactly what the child of Charles and I would've had and anyone could see that. "My name is Ruby! She exclaimed and my heart dropped as my eyes met Charles' eyes. The name we wanted to name our daughter if we had one. "What a beautiful name!" Charles exclaimed and picked the girl up. She rested on his shoulders while we waited for parents to come take pictures. When I saw them my heart stopped. "Scarlett..." Charles whispered and I shook my head. 

"We are so sorry your Majesty! She saw you and ran!" The husband exclaimed. I opened my mouth, but no words would leave. "It's not a problem." Charles covered for me and we took the picture. The husband slipped me a note and they were gone. I was numb all over and I felt some lost memories coming back. 

"That looked so much like Antoine!" Kimi exclaimed and I just stayed silent. 

"Look at that plane!" People started exclaiming and I turned to see a sleek black airbus coming into the gate. The body was black, but on the tail was a gold queen crown and on the sides was my signature. "Her Majesty and her guest may board now!" someone called and we boarded the plane of impending doom.

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