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"Shhh! You'll wake them up." I heard Michael hiss. I saw the same group of people with their phones out snapping pictures. 

"What are you guys doing?" I asked groggily. Sebastian pointed beside me and I turned to see Kimi who was still asleep. My head was on his chest and he had his arm wrapped protectively around me, but not in a loving way, but more like a protective fatherly way. Which was new to me, because my father and I were not the closest people. 

"What are you all doing?" Kimi exclaimed. 

"We were just seeing this cute father-daughter like moment!" Sebastian explained. Kimi just rolled out of bed and pushed everybody out of the room and left me all alone. Suddenly a picture caught my eye. I was me and this boy with dark hair, and beautiful eyes. 

"Merry Christmas!" a voice shouted making me jump and I turned to see a boy with beautiful brown eyes smiling at me, but his eyes showed hurt. "I'm sorry I don't remember you," I whispered sitting down on my bed.

"It's ok," he said softly. 

"Was I special to you?" I asked and he chuckled. "You were my best friend," he replied. "What's your name?" 

"Lando Norris, your Majesty." He said with a small bow. "Oh no! It's just your highness. My father is still King and I am just a princess." I explained quickly, but Lando had a worried look on his face. 

"Mr. Schumacher!" he yelled and seconds later Michael had burst into the room. 

"What's wrong!" he yelled and Lando whispered a bunch of things to him and I watched his face fall slowly. 

"Scarlett...the night of the Monaco Grand Prix your father passed away. You have been Queen for quite some time." He explained to me. "You're wrong!" I exclaimed jumping up from the bed. I looked around and saw crutches.

 I grabbed them and booked it towards the elevator before the two could reach me. I needed to get out of here to just think. When the doors opened I hobbled to the garage and got in my Ferrari. "Scarlett! NO!" the group of people was yelling as I sped away down the long driveway. "Thank God I still know the way around Monaco," I muttered as I drove onto the road. 

I finally got to the beach and exited the car. Within minutes people had swarmed around me and were yelling different things. "Excuse me," I said quietly as I tried to escape, but I was panicking and needed help. "Prince Charles!" People cheered as the boy with beautiful eyes walked to me.

"Follow me." He said with a small smile. 

He led me to a secluded spot on the beach far away from where people could reach us. "You're the boy from the picture," I stated. 

"We didn't even know a paparazzi member snapped, but you loved it so much we bought it." He explained.

"Apparently I was married to you." I said and he chuckled "Yeah and you deserve so much more than me." He said looking back out to the sea. "You and Lando were in love. You two were so deeply in love and I came and messed it up. I know you still love him, for God sakes you were together for four years only to be ripped apart suddenly. It's my fault too because I told Giada to get Lando drunk and then to kiss him." He confessed. I traced circles in the sand looking out into the sunrise. 

"Why? Why would you do that?" I asked calmly. 

"Because I love you. You were mine before Lando came along," he exclaimed. 

"I am not an object for you to claim Mr. Leclerc." I snapped at him. "Do not forget you are talking to apparently the Queen of Monaco!" I continued. 

"Yes, but I am also talking to my WIFE!" he exclaimed and my heart sank.  "I'm going to go...would you like to come with me?" I asked trying to calm the situation. He just nodded and followed me back to my Ferrari allowing me to drive him back to the Palace. 

When we arrived back at my home everyone rushed to give me hugs and yell a little about how the was irresponsible. Time skip to after dinner where we are sitting around the Christmas tree in the family room opening presents in matching red and white striped pajamas. 

"Scarlett you still have one present left!" Lewis exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at him as I grabbed the small box, but before I opened it Lando stopped me. "You always make a speech before you last Christmas present," he stated.

"Ok fine." I huffed. "Even though I don't remember much I would like to say thank you for a wonderful year! I had the chance to look back at pictures and interviews, and I must say it looked like the best time. So...I hope for my memory to return so I can properly remember everything that has happened. Merry Christmas!" I said and everyone clapped at the end. 

I unwrapped my present to see a small box. Inside was a gold necklace with a  nickel size gold heart hanging from it. A small note read, "Dear Scarlett, you have a big bright future ahead of you. You will be an amazing Princess to this country. I am sorry about what I said to you, but I know you know I didn't mean it.  I am so happy I am able to call you my friend. Much love, Jules." I read it aloud. 

"Who found this?" I asked coldly and everyone had a shocked look on their face. 

"Scarlett...what's wrong," Sebastian asked. 

"Who found it?" I raised my voice ignoring Sebastian. 

Slowly Daniel raised his hand and I walked over to him. I put the necklace in his hand while keeping intense eye contact. "I.Don't.Want.This." I hissed as I closed his hand around the necklace and hobbled away to the elevator.

 "You need to forgive yourself!" I heard Daniel yell and I whipped around angrily.

 "I have." I snapped and continued walking. "Scarlett!" another voice called and I just kept walking, but someone picked me up bridal style. "It's Christmas! Let's just have fun!" Lando exclaimed as he carried me back over to the couch. "Fine. Rosé Champagne for everyone!" I cheered and the butlers came over with glasses and bottles.

 For a little, we were just friends getting drunk with not one worry in the world. Sadly if you've learned anything about my life...all this will soon come crashing down. 

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