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I was in the arms of Lewis as he spun me around. "You did it." I whispered looking into his eyes that were filled with tears. 

"No. We did it." He said and hugged me again. 

"Ok go to the podium!" I exclaimed pushing him along. 

"You know I owe you a lot," Toto said to me.


"Well, you brought the drivers closer together than they were before. Despite the split with Charles they still care for each other." He said and I smiled.  I felt as pride surged through me of all the drivers that I called my friends. I started walking back to visit my new friend Max, but I got stopped by Sebastian and Charles. 

"Hey! Are you leaving?" they asked and I nodded. 

"I'm going to visit Max, but then I have to fly back to Monaco," I explained.

 "Well I'm spending Christmas with my family, but I'll stop by Monaco at some point," Sebastian said and gave me a quick hug. "I'll look forward to that!" I called after him and he chuckled. 

"So...." Charles said and I took a deep breath. 

"You know that I love you so much and I want you to find a person that makes you truly happy," I said and he nodded. 

"Will you take away my title?" he asked and I shook my head. "No, you earned that title." I replied. "You promise that if I want you back, you'll be mine?" he asked and I looked down. "Promise. I will only ever love you anyway" I replied. 

He smiled, "Now I'm going to break a promise." he said. 

"Which is?" 

"I'm going to hug you, but I'm letting you go," he whispered and I chuckled as he wrapped me in his arms. He let me go and walked away and I turned away too, but when I looked back he was already staring with a gentle smile on his face. I waved and continued walking away, with tears pouring down my face not wanting to leave my one true love. 

"Scarlett!" Max exclaimed as I walked into the garage. 

"The Flying Dutchman!" I called back. 

"Listen, I'm sorry about this morning," he mumbled and I shrugged. 

"We handled it in a quick and effective way." I brushed the topic off quickly. 

"Soo...are you headed back to Monaco?" he asked and I nodded. "As much as I would love to see the last two races, duty calls, but I expect to see all of you for Christmas," I said and he laughed. 

"I will be there...for whatever crazy thing you have planned," he said. "Well, I have to go see some other people, but if you ever want to beat Charles in your last races...I wouldn't complain." I smirked and Max shook his head. 

"You girl, are crazy!" he exclaimed pulling me in for a side hug. 

I left the garage and made my way down to Sauber to visit Kimi. "Hey Ice Man!" I called and he groaned. "Not you." I scoffed, "I thought I was your favorite person in formula 1!" I joked. He glared at me, "I do not have favorites." he said 

"Yeah right!" I heard Sebastian say who was chilling down here as well. 

"Bwoah, I may have a small soft spot for a person," he grumbled and I smirked. "Yeah, you know I heard you in the hospital," I replied and he facepalmed. 

"I'm telling you, you are like his third kid," Sebastian said. 

"Yeah, well this child has to catch a plane to Monaco," I said walking up to Kimi to give him a hug. He pulled me in rather tightly, "Uh...Kimi...is everything ok?" I asked and he didn't move. I looked over his shoulder to see Sebastian shaking his head no. 

"You don't do that again ok," he whispered and I nodded and he let go. "Could you possibly try to come to Abu Dhabi?" they begged to me like little children. 

"I'm sorry guys, but I am way too busy," I explained and they pouted.

 "Listen, I will call you before the race and after like I always do!" I exclaimed. 

"Deal!" they said and I laughed. "Love you guys!" I called as I walked away from the garage. As I walked to the car waiting to take me to the airport I saw Romeo running toward me. 

"We have a problem!" he exclaimed. 

"What more could possibly go wrong," I exclaimed. 

"That," he said and pointed to a group of young men. My cousins. Roman, Nico, Oliver, and Blaise Rossi. They stood in fancy suits and sunglasses while looking a bit out of place. 

"What the hell are doing here." I hissed at them. 

"What you don't want to see you, big brothers?" Nico smirked. 

"You.Are.Not. My.Brothers." I hissed and kept walking away from them. 

"Hey listen! You have to forgive us at some point." Blaise said jogging to catch up with me. 

"No...you're lucky I don't strip you of your title and ban you from Monaco." I snapped. 

"Scarlett!" Oliver called and I whipped around. "We need your help," he said softly and I softened a little, as Oliver was my favorite. 

"What is it?" I asked. he scratched the back of his neck while shifting, 

"Um...our father passed away and we are lost," he muttered and my heart broke for them. Their father's wife left after having the boys who came in sets as twins. So their father was all they had, beside my side of the family. Now it's just them and me to hold up the family name.

 "Ok, let's go," I whispered walking to the Land Rover. It was silent all the way in till we were up in the air flying toward Monaco and Oliver broke the silence.

 "You and Charles?" he question.

 "We are young and were thrust into very tough positions, but we have left getting back together on the table, but I don't know right now," I replied and he grinned. "The boys and I were rooting for Norris or Verstappen," Roman said and I scoffed. 

"We are not having this conversation, but we can talk about how I can send you all to the Olympics representing Monaco," I replied. 

"WHAT!!!" they all exclaimed. "

Yes, well I think Monaco should get back in the equestrian world, we haven't done international competitions since...." I trailed off and they got the picture. 

"We have to talk about that," Oliver said. 

"I don't talk about diplomatic subjects when traveling." I snapped. 

"Excuse me, but wouldn't it be rude to consider the death of your brother a diplomatic subject?" Nico snapped. 

"Not when it involves members of the same royal family and allegations and charges have been made." I responded, "What else do you want Nico? My forgiveness or acknowledgment?" I snapped. He opened his mouth but I am a roll. "Here it is, The Royal family of Monaco, the House of Rossi, Monaco and her citizens, and her queen hold you and your brothers responsible for the death of Prince Antoine Sebastian Rossi of Monaco Duke of Berry heir to the throne." I recited.

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