Spirit Guide (CY&TY)

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Chaeyoung POV

I sighed impatiently. Where is she?

I began tapping my foot out of habit while I waited.

Then I felt a gush of wind and looked up to see Tzuyu flying above me.

"And what took you so long?" My gaze hardened.

"Sorry Mom," Tzuyu sarcastically stated, "I got caught up with my other client."

"I thought we were only allowed one client?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Okay fine. I was jealous of this one girl and tripped her," Tzuyu revealed.

"Tzuyu!" I reprimanded her, "She's not your client. You can't do anything to her!"

"Well it was her spirit guide's fault! They left her completely alone. It was like they were begging me to do it!" Tzuyu defended herself.

I facepalmed, "You are unbelievable."

I took my hand from my face and looked at Tzuyu. She actually looked guilty and sad about what she did.

"I can't help myself, I'm not the angel in this guide. You are," Tzuyu pouted at me.

She does have a point. It's her nature to do what she does, she can't necessarily control it.

I gave her a soft smile, "Let's go. Y/n is waiting for us."

I spread my white wings open and flew up to Tzuyu. She looked at me with a sad smile before we headed to Y/n's house.

Yes. My wings are white which means that I'm an angel. My partner Tzuyu, her wings are a combination of red and black is a devil. Together, we help our client Y/n get through the goods and bads in her life. She, like every other human, doesn't know about us or see us. She just believes fate is what guides her through her journey in life.

I sighed as Tzuyu and I looked into Y/n's window on the third floor of her house. "She isn't here again."

"Let me go check the other rooms," Tzuyu went through the wood walls of Y/n's house as I waited outside.

She came back about a minute later, frowning, "She's not in her house."

I growled in frustration, "We have one job and it's to look over her. Our boss will have our heads once she finds out."

"Calm down, we can search around the town. I'll send you a signal if I find her," Tzuyu said.

"I hope we do find her. This is our first time working this job, we'll be sent back to our past dwellings if Boss gets word of this." Tzuyu and I shared a look.

We both didn't want to go back to where we lived before.

I would need to go back to heaven and frankly I don't like it. Everyone is always nice to one another and nothing ever goes down. At first, I loved it but it gets old really quick. Think of it like... Like it's always bright and happy. It never gets dark there. How can you truly appreciate the brightness if there's no darkness?

Tzuyu would be sent back down to hell and it is what humans make it out to be. It's a total mess and filled with screams of pain and agony. How she got down there, I don't know. And I will not push her to tell me. I've only been there once and it was to ask Tzuyu to be my partner as a spirit guide. Trust me when I say: I don't intend on going back.

Earth is right in the middle of pure and evil. You have some bad people but you also have good. Tzuyu and I loved it.

I remember her asking me once while Y/n was getting her nails done, "Do you think maybe those who were sent to hell will be able to redeem themselves and get to see heaven?"

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