Scenarios (TY) 🍋

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This was requested!

I cannot believe I'm writing this. This is so much more graphic than I'm used to.

Y'all will definitely need God Jihyo to bless you after reading this-

                                      • • •

Sweat covered my whole body as I panted heavily. Drops of sweat falling from my forehead as a mixture of pain and pleasure made my toes curl.

"Aww baby," A hand gently caressed my cheek, "You don't look so good."

I couldn't even respond. I was too focused on the warm hand that was ever so softly tracing my folds.

"Look at me," The sharp command had me turn my focus back on the goddess in front of me, "You think you can handle it?"

That made my eyes widen.

"Tzuyu-" Her free hand quickly clamped over my mouth.

Her eyes narrowed, "You know what you need to call me when I'm fucking you."

I stiffened as one of her fingers quickly entered me before she even more quickly took it out, making me deflate in disappointment.

She removed her hand off my mouth to allow me to speak.

"I'm sorry, mommy," I apologized, "I won't forget again."

She smirked and practically purred, "Good. Now spread those pretty legs of yours."

Biting my lip, I hesitated to follow her command. I wasn't sure if I can handle anymore pleasure.

Not wanting to disappoint Tzuyu, I spread open my legs. My throbbing heat worsened as my legs were open.

With no warning, Tzuyu shoved one finger inside of me, hitting my g-spot with no problem. It made me cry out in both pain and pleasure, "Shit!"

My breath came out in short bursts as I felt myself clench on her finger. Tzuyu's eyes widened in surprise as I released. I hissed out as I felt myself come undone. My eyes glazed over as exhaustion took over my body.

Tzuyu gently took out her finger and sucked it clean. I watched, tired and slightly aroused.

She cocked her eyebrow at me, "That was pretty fast."

A dark blush appeared on my face at her comment, "Can you blame me? This was our seventh round."

"Wait. Really?" Tzuyu questioned in shock as she turned her head to the clock on my nightstand, "Woah. It's been three hours."

"Yeah," I yawned softly.

Tzuyu gathered me in her arms and hugged me tightly, kissing my cheek, "But I'm not done with you yet."

I lightly chuckled, "You have amazing stamina but please go to sleep. I don't think I can take anymore."

"Alright, love," She muttered gently into my ear and pulled the blanket over our bodies, "Sweet dreams."

I started dozing off when I heard a light, "I love you."

"I love you too," I replied with a relaxed sigh, sleep taking over my body.

                                         • • •

A moan escaped my throat as Tzuyu experimentally thrusted an eight inch strap-on into me. It was double-sided so whatever pleasure I felt, Tzuyu felt as well.

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