Loves of my Life (NY) 🍋

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G!P Y/n.

Nayeon POV

Not again.

I bit my lip and tightly closed my eyes to try and fall asleep. Y/n's arms were wrapped around me pretty tightly. I tried to move away from her but her grip wouldn't let me.

I felt her not so little friend poking me in my lower region.

This has been very reoccurring. I would wake up in the middle of the night to feel a very hard piece of wood poking me. Every morning when Y/n leaves for work, I would have to either take a very cold shower or fix my problem myself.

I crossed my legs to try and stop myself from getting too wet. Y/n seemed to have other plans because she muttered something incoherent and started sucking on the back of my neck. I bit my lip really hard to stop myself from making any noise.

She continued to suck on my neck and I was getting way too turned on. I tried to pull away and actually succeeded in creating a little bit of distance between Y/n and I. It was short-lived when Y/n frowned in her sleep and pulled me into her body once again, wrapping her arms around me. As she did this though, her 'little friend' perfectly made contact with my throbbing heat.

I couldn't help myself and let out a moan. I felt Y/n shift and panicked, thinking that my moan woke her up. What she did surprised me though. She started dry humping me and lightly moaned out my name, "N-Nayeon."

Every single thrust made contact with my heat. I grabbed the sheets below me and tried with every ounce of my power to ignore it. There's no way I would initiate anything with her while she was sleeping. I want to have her consent first before I do anything.

But each time her 'friend' made contact with me, my self control was slowly leaving my body. I snapped my eyes shut and took a deep breath.

Yeah, nope. I need to get out of here before I do something I'll regret.

I shimmied my way out of her tight grip and quickly entered our bathroom. I hurriedly turned on the shower and threw off all of my clothes in a heartbeat. I stepped inside and let out a sigh of relief as I felt the cold water hit my skin.

It calmed me down a little bit but not enough. I remembered how it felt when Y/n thrusted gently and made contact with my lower region. I bit my lip and found my hand about to reach my dripping sex.

I shook my head and stopped myself.

Damn you, Y/n. You have no idea how sexually frustrated you make me.

I banged my head on the tile wall in frustration.

"Nayeon?" I heard Y/n call me from outside the shower. Her hoarse voice didn't help my situation at all.

I saw the silhouette of her behind the shower curtains and inwardly panicked. I took a deep silent breath before softly replying, "Yes?"

"Why are you taking a shower? It's two in the morning," Y/n's hoarse voice sounded a bit more clear as she moved closer.

Crap. What do I say?

"I don't know," I replied as the cold water continued to hit me.

There was silence before Y/n gently asked, "Are you feeling well? Do you need me to get you anything?"

"No. I'm okay," I answered.

"Okay. I'll wait for you in the room then," She responded. Her silhouette stayed still for a minute to wait to see if I was going to say anything but I kept my mouth shut.

She turned around and started to leave the bathroom when I shouted, "Wait!"

"Do you need medicine?" She quickly questioned in a worried voice.

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