Mine (JI) 🍋

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Okay. So, someone privately requested for me to do an Alpha!Jihyo x Omega!FemReader with some smut. I haven't tried to write any smut so this will probably be trash.


I cannot believe I was this stupid. I knew my heat was coming but I didn't think that it would hit me earlier than usual.

Two of my alpha friends were with me when it came. They immediately caught my scent and looked at me with obvious restraint in their eyes.

Irene bit her lip, "Y/n? Are you?"

I nodded my head in embarrassment.

"We should leave," Nayeon quickly stood up.

The two of them obviously wanted to leave me. I couldn't really blame them, it has been said that the scent of an Omega can bring an Alpha into rut.

I inwardly growled for putting myself in this position. We were in the middle of a pretty popular cafe and everyone who was an alpha and single was practically undressing me with their eyes once they caught my scent.

Breathing in deeply to try to control my hormones, I stood up to leave. Irene and Nayeon followed me outside to protect me from other alphas. I was grateful for them but it was obvious that my scent was affecting them too.

When we finally made it outside, Nayeon started to breath heavily and stared at me.

Crap. I think I brought her into rut.

"You should go," Irene grounded out, "We can't control ourselves for long and Nayeon is already giving in to her instincts."

I turned to quickly leave but Nayeon pinned me to the brick wall outside the cafe. She licked her lips and leaned into me but was suddenly shoved away from me.

Irene had flipped Nayeon onto her back and put her in a tight hold, "Leave Y/n."

I ran as fast as I could back home. Usually it would take me about twenty minutes to get from the cafe to home but I made it there in five minutes. I really hope Jihyo is home.

Jihyo is my mate. We just recently moved in together four months ago which means that she's never been near me whenever my heat came. She has been away though because of work. She's due to return home today or tomorrow. I was really hoping she was coming today.

Right before I opened our front door, a male voice sounded from behind me, "You smell so good."

I turned around. The running made me sweat and the scent of my heat was clearly exuding from me. I met the hungry gaze of my neighbor who was an alpha.

The neighbor that always flirts with me whenever he could when Jihyo is not around. I don't usually have a problem telling him off but I wasn't myself at the moment. He smirked and approached me almost in a predatory way.

"Too bad your mate isn't here to help you out with your problem," He muttered in my ear, making me shiver, "I'm here though."

He lightly touched my hand and his fingers traveled up to my shoulder. I felt goosebumps on my skin, "J-Jimin."

"Yes?" He smirked as I looked at his face.

That was when I reached a moment of clarity. He is not Jihyo. He is not my mate. I can't believe he's taking advantage of my situation like this.

I growled, showing my sharp canines, "Leave."

He pinned me to my front door, "I was told to help out a lady who is obviously in distress." He leaned in to kiss me but I kneed him right in his groin.

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