Arguments and Food (CY)

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I sighed as I got ready for school.

You know what they say: Another day another headache.

I honestly don't mind school but the assignments the teachers give are grueling. I mean seriously I spent three hours on homework last night. It's too much.

I traced the name on my wrist and softly smiled. Maybe I'll meet my soulmate today.

Son Chaeyoung.

"Y/n! You're going to be late!" My mom's voice echoed throughout the house.


"Class we have a new student," Ms. Kim motioned to the new student, "Ms. Son if you may introduce yourself.

The new student smiled, showing off her dimple, "Hello! I'm Chaeyoung! Please treat me well."

She's pretty cute. Her name seems familiar though. It's probably just a famous K-pop star name.

"You can sit next to Y/n," Ms. Kim told her, "Y/n please raise your hand."

I raised my hand and gently smiled at Chaeyoung.

For some reason Chaeyoung looked at me a bit weirdly. She eventually smiled back at me and took the seat to the left of me.

Ms. Kim jumped back into teaching about Shakespeare's Macbeth and soon told us to read the first act with our partners. I grinned at the opportunity of getting to know Chaeyoung and turned to face her.

I found her already staring at me intensely. I tilted my head at her as she blushed at getting caught. I lightly chuckled before asking, "Would you like to read first or shall I?"

"You can read as Macbeth. I'll read as the other characters," She replied.

I nodded my head, "Alright."

Chaeyoung started reading first as the witches. I hummed thoughtfully as she read.

"So basically they're predicting that Macbeth will become the King," I summarized.

"Seems about right," Chaeyoung agreed.

As she continued to read, I began to think of her name. Why does it seem so familiar?

She lightly tapped my shoulder and said, "Class is ending in one minute."

I immediately put away my book and pulled my backpack on, "If no one has shown you around our school, I wouldn't mind doing so."

"I would like that," She smiled.

"Great," I grinned, "I can show you around during lunch. Where do you want to meet?"

"Maybe the cafeteria?" She suggested.

"Alright cool," I agreed.


Fourth period is almost over and I'm getting anxious to meet Chaeyoung again. Even though it's highschool, I still race to the cafeteria for food like my life depended on it. Partly because it does. Everyone needs food to be sustained.

I laid my head on my desk and traced the name written on my wrist.

Son Chaeyoung.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled out loud. No wonder her name was so familiar! I'm so stupid!

Everyone in the classroom looked at me in surprise at my sudden outburst. The teacher cleared his throat and approached me, "Is there a problem?"

"...No sir," I replied softly, looking at my fingers in shame. My cheeks were burning red as embarrassment hit me like a ton of bricks.

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