Something More (CY)

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Y/n/n: Your nickname


I tapped my foot impatiently as I heard music blasting from my roommate's bedroom. Usually I wouldn't mind but I was trying to watch 'Avatar: The Last Airbender'. The show, not the movie.

"Chae! Can you please turn down the music?!" I yelled out.

The music continued to blast. I groaned and marched right to Chaeyoung's bedroom door. I knocked on it and realized she probably couldn't hear it. So, I banged on it.

"CHAE!" I screamed.

I noticed the music from her bedroom slightly increased. Did she just turn up the volume? Slightly annoyed, I threw open the door.

I froze when I took in the state of her bedroom. It was a complete wreck. Some picture frames were on the floor and what looked like cards were ripped up and also on the floor.

Billie Eilish's idontwannabeyouanymore was blasting from her stereo.

That wasn't what caught my full attention though.

What caught my attention was Chaeyoung on her bed.


She kinda looked like a burrito with the way she wrapped her blanket around her. I can only see her face which was covered in tears. Her eyes were swollen and red from crying. She paused the song.

Her voice shook as she glanced at me, "G-Go away."

I didn't follow her order and just stood at my current spot, staring at her in shock.

She glared at me with tiredness in her eyes before turning around, her back now facing me. I can hear the small sounds of muffled crying as she turned.

Snapping out of my shock, I approached her and layed down next to her.

She sniffed, "I said to go away." Her nose was stuffy and her voice was cold.

I knew what she was doing. She was pushing me away. She doesn't want me to see her like this. Nor does she want me to worry about her.

I ignored her and back-hugged her.

"Y/n I told you to leave me alone," Chaeyoung sighed and turned around in my arms, "I'm fine."

"No. You're not," I tightened my hold around her and looked her right in the eyes.

At this, tears cascaded down her face once more. She buried her head in my neck as she cried. I rubbed her back up and down in a smoothing motion.

"I'm here for you," I whispered softly.

I was being the shoulder she can lean on. I didn't want to pressure her into telling me why she's so upset. On the off chance that she's crying because of a specific person, you best believe I will hunt that person down.

Right now, she needs someone to be there for her. And I will gladly be that person.

Her crying died down after a few minutes and light sniffles sounded from her.

She murmured something into my neck, "She cheated on me."

Anger flowed through my veins. Of course she had something to do with Chaeyoung crying. From the start I knew that Chae would have her heart broken by her.

Chaeyoung was originally the girl crush of our school. She was liked and envied by many. You could say that she was the 'heartbreaker' of our school because of the many people she rejected.

That was until one girl in particular caught her eye.

Myoui Mina.

Mina had just transferred into the school and was a quiet, introverted person. Or so we thought.

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