The Invitation (SA) 🍋

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Sana POV

I yawned as I tiredly walked through the school hallways. I needed to be early for a club meeting but then I remembered the meeting was postponed. I came early to school for no reason.

I perked up when I remembered that my girlfriend usually came to school early because she has morning practice for swim.

I checked the time and remembered that Y/n told me her practice ended at 7. It is currently 7:03am. Class doesn't start until 8.

I smiled and made my way to the Y/n's locker to see her grabbing her books. I think she was still tired because she dropped her books and jumped back. I heard her mutter while holding her heart, "Oh fuck me."

I smirked and quietly made my way over to her, "Fuck you?"

She lightly jumped and relaxed when she noticed it was me. She chuckled, "That wasn't an invitation."

I moved closer to her and cocked my eyebrow.

"I'm serious, Sana," Y/n stared at me sternly.

I hummed lowly and got right in her face, a couple of inches away.

Y/n lightly blushed at my close proximity and looked at her feet.

I put my hand under her chin and made her look me in the eyes, "Seems like an invitation to me."

Before she can say anything, I held her hand and led her to the bathroom. Once we were inside, I pulled her into an empty stall. No one else was in the bathroom but someone can easily walk in.

Y/n nervously bit her lip, "Sana are you sure about this? What if someone hears us?"

"Then we'll just have to be quiet. Think you can handle it?" I smirked.

She looked at me uneasily, "Uhh."

"Good," I dismissed and pulled her into a passionate kiss. She eagerly kissed me back and granted me access to her mouth. I explored inside her mouth very thoroughly as I pinned her against the stall door.

"Jump," I huskily whispered against her lips.

She jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist. My hands were at the sides of her head. The only thing keeping her from falling was the stall door behind her and how tight her legs were wrapped around me. I pulled back a bit to admire her.

"You are exceptionally beautiful but you'd look even better with a hickey on you," I smirked and sucked hard on her soft spot.

She whimpered and wrapped her hands around my face and neck.

I pulled back and saw the beginning of a love mark on her. I proudly smiled before frowning, "Hey. Your shirt is white."

Y/n lightly groaned as my knee came into contact with her clothed heat, "S-So?"

"It's a see through white shirt," I replied as I moved my knee up and down, "And you're wearing a black bra! Every boy and girl in this school will stare at you."

She gasped as my knee started moving, "So what if they stare? Everyone knows that I'm yours."

"As they should," I growled.

My hands slipped under her white shirt and wandered around her stomach before rubbing her through her bra. Y/n let out a slight groan. I lightly unclasped her bra and placed it over my shoulder. I pulled her into a needy kiss once again while fondling her breasts.

Y/n couldn't kiss me properly because she kept moaning.

I heard footsteps and immediately stopped my movements and pressed one finger into Y/n's lip to keep her quiet. Two girls entered the bathroom.

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