My Wish (JI)

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Word count: 4563


The sound of birds chirping alerted me that it was already morning.

I have no sense of time other than the ability to know it was daytime from nighttime. It doesn't really bother me. How could it?

I watched as people walked to their intended destination either very leisurely or in a rush.

Familiar faces passed by me as I stood in the same place I've always stood. There were a couple of people who approached me and told me what they wished for. I took notice of their wishes and made a mental note to remember them.

I frowned as I realized that the one person who always catches my attention didn't pass by me. Many theories began to take place in my mind.

Maybe she's running late? Maybe she took a shortcut? Maybe she's just simply not coming by today?

A teenager girl approached me and dropped to her knees as she prayed quietly to me. I payed attention to her prayer when a familiar, gorgeous face ran by me. I watched through the corner of my eyes as I saw her run into the café next to me.

Ah. She's late.

I wish I could follow her but I had a feeling that it wasn't time yet.

So, I simply stood still and waited for the day to pass me by. More people approached me and told me their problems. I listened and wished I could give them advice but I wasn't allowed to. Instead, I opted to grant them a wish.

They can't just wish to be rich or get someone they hate injured or killed. They also can't wish for their loved one to get better after being fatally injured.

No, they need to tell me what they wish for from the bottom of their hearts. Otherwise, I won't be allowed to grant their wish.

Soon enough, the day turned into night and the girl who's captured my attention still hasn't gone by me. She usually returns home right before the sun sets but she didn't. Maybe she's being punished for being late to her job.

I looked above me and saw the stars lighting up the dark sky. What a beautiful sight. The cold air hit me but didn't really do anything. It was refreshing.

The sound of crying caught my attention as I saw the girl from earlier running back into the direction of her house. She ran by me with tears streaming down her face. I watched after her in despair, unable to move from my spot.

She looked back at me with a sad glint in her eyes as she disappeared from my view.

I can't go after her.

Not yet.

Jihyo POV

I was late to work. My grandma had a medical emergency and I spent most of my time at the hospital.

I quickly pulled my hair into a bun and raced down to the diner I worked at. I ran by an angel statue that was next to the diner. I noticed a girl on her knees, looking like she was asking the stoned angel for a wish.


I entered the diner, feeling my heart beating quickly. The manager walked up to me, "You're late."

"I'm sorry," I immediately apologized, "It won't happen again."

"It better not or you're fired," He glared me down before stating, "Because of your tardiness, you're on dish duty."

I frowned as I went into the back and took a look at how many dishes I had to clean. My frown deepened as I noticed how many dishes were stacked up in the sink. There was so many!

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