Surprise (JY)

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Jeongyeon POV

Okay. So, there's this girl who I am crushing on.

Y/n L/n.

She's my roommate. We both live in the same college dorm. The big problem is that she already has a girlfriend.

Because of this, I've been trying really hard not to show my feelings. This just basically means that I act like I despise her when in reality I don't.

The only issue is my dog, Jasmine.

By birth, everyone is given an animal that will act like their emotional interpreter. Their emotions are directly connected to their pets, so they're behavior will reflects their owners mood.

Whenever Y/n shows up in the dorm, Jasmine would rush towards her and try to cuddle with her. This makes it extremely hard for me because Jasmine is literally letting Y/n know how I really feel about her.

I had gotten into an argument with Y/n about something really petty. I don't really remember what it was about. The way we resolved it though is very memorable.

I really wanted to apologise and make up with her but I was too prideful. Jasmine on the other hand went straight to Y/n and whimpered.

Y/n's dog, Cloud, ran over to me and whimpered as well. She licked my hand and whined. It was obvious that Y/n and I wanted to apologise to each other. I sighed and started walking over to Y/n.

"I'm sorry," I softly smiled.

"I'm sorry too," Y/n grinned.

And from then on, we've been fine with one another. I still acted like I didn't care about her though. It was pretty obvious to everyone that I did. My heart would break every time her girlfriend would come over though.

Her girlfriend (Tzuyu), so to speak was actually a great person. That's what made me so pissed off. Tzuyu was literally the whole package. I wonder where Y/n even found her.

They were perfect for each other. Their relationship was the kind that everyone wanted. The one I wanted. With Y/n.

"You two make a cute couple," I mentioned a bit dryly. Okay. Maybe I was doing too much. What can I say, jealousy does that to a person.

Y/n and Tzuyu shared a look.

"We're not dating," Y/n looked horrified while Tzuyu looked disgusted.

"Yeah, we're just friends," Tzuyu chuckled.

Hold up.

'Just friends'?

How did their relationship completely fly over my head? I cannot believe I automatically assumed.

"Plus I already have a girlfriend," Tzuyu grinned.

"Who?" I cocked my eyebrow.

"Sana," Tzuyu's eyes lit up as she said her name. It was cute.

"They've been dating for three months," Y/n added.

"If I'm being honest," Tzuyu smirked.

Why do I have such a bad feeling about what she's going to say?

"I thought you and Y/n were dating," Tzuyu continued.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. Even Y/n froze at Tzuyu's accusation.

"W-Why would you think that?" Y/n stammered out.

"Oh come on!" Tzuyu sighed, "It's obvious you two have the hots for each other. You really think I didn't notice you glaring at me whenever Y/n and I leave together?" She cocked her eyebrow at me.

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