Milk (SA) 🍋

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Warning: I was a bit descriptive. That's basically it 😂


You know, when Nayeon and Jihyo invited me for a sleepover at Twice's dorm, I was both surprised and unwilling to go. They all seem like really cool people but they made me nervous and I wasn't sure why.

I was going to kindly reject their offer but my aunt, who was also their manager already answered yes for me. I pulled her to the side and asked her what she was doing.

She said and I quote, "You need to make friends, Y/n."

All of that led up to where I was right now.

Trying to sneak my way into the dorm kitchen at two in the morning for a glass of cold milk. Everyone in my family knew I loved milk. I didn't tell anyone in Twice yet though. So, when I opened up their fridge to see no milk, I deflated.

I heard a raspy and tired voice mutter out, "Y/n? What are you doing?"

"Do you perhaps have any milk anywhere?" I blankly stared at Sana.

"Milk?" She questioned in confusion.

I nodded my head, "Yes. Milk. You know...the white liquid that comes from cows."

"I know what milk is," Sana playfully rolled her eyes, "I'm afraid Nayeon finished the milk yesterday and never bothered to replace it."

I frowned, "Oh. Well I'm going out to buy some then."

Sana suddenly appeared on my side and linked her arm with mine. With a mischievous grin on her face, she questioned, "Mind if I come with?"

"I do mind actually," I coldly stated, "I want to go alone. I don't want to worry about protecting you from anyone. Especially since you're famous."

She pouted, "But I want to go and plus it's late out. I doubt anyone will recognize me at this time of night."

"You'd be surprised," I deadpanned and firmly stated, "You're not coming with me."

I started walking away to grab my shoes when Sana back-hugged me, stopping me in my tracks. I tensed up as her hands circled around my waist.

"What if I told you that I do have milk in my room?" Sana whispered into my ear.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Then why did you say you didn't have any?"

"This is a different type of milk," Sana inquired, "I don't share it with just anyone."

Well that's a weird way to phrase a sentence. We stayed in the same position with Sana back-hugging me while I thought about her offer. I suppose it would save me a trip to the store.

"Alright," I replied, "Fine. Lead the way."

She stopped hugging me and grabbed my arm, pulling me into her own room. The other members were fast asleep in their own rooms.

I was sleeping on the couch before I got a craving for some milk. Everyone didn't like the fact that I was going to sleep on the couch and offered their own beds but I refused. I would feel bad if I invaded their beds like that.

We reached her room at the end of the hall, the door was already open. We went inside and closed the door behind us, Sana locking it.

I tilted my head at her.

Why did she lock the door?

Does she really not want anyone else to get some of her milk? Speaking of her milk, I didn't see a gallon or even a cartoon of it anywhere.

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