Footsteps (JY)

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In a world where in order to find your soulmate, you will be able to see their footsteps. The footsteps aren't physical either, they are spiritual and only appear in your eyes only. The trail of footsteps are darker when your soulmate was there a long time ago. The brighter the footsteps are, the closer your soulmate is.

What the hell?

The footsteps ended right here.

I frowned and checked the ground for any other signs of footsteps but there weren't any. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Um excuse me?" I heard a voice call out to me.

I jumped a bit and looked all around me for the person, "Hello?"

"Up here," The voice stated.

I looked up to see a girl hugging a tree branch and looking at me sheepishly. My eyes widened, "How'd you get up there?"

"I climbed to save a kitten in this tree," She explained.

"You climbed?! You're like fourteen feet in the air!" I proclaimed, "And where's the kitten?"

"Apparently when I climbed all the way up here, it showed me it can save itself and jumped down the tree," She grumbled.

I couldn't help but giggle, "I mean yeah. Cats are very nimble and athletic. How do you think it got up in the tree in the first place?"

The girl rolled her eyes, "Well. I wasn't thinking and wanted to help out but now I'm the one that's stuck in the tree."

I laughed, "You are in quite the predicament."

"Is that anyway to treat your soulmate?" She glared down at me.

I froze, "Soulmate?"

"I can see your footsteps," She called out, "I know you saw mine. Why do you think my footsteps don't continue?"

I looked at the footsteps that brightened the ground. They did indeed stop right below the tree she was stuck on.

"I was going to help you out either way," I murmured.

"Can you please hurry? I'm kind of...scared," She revealed with a blush.

"If you're scared of heights, how did you manage to make the climb?" I asked in astonishment as I surveyed the area to see if there was anything I could use.

"I wasn't really thinking. It wasn't until that I looked down did I realize how far up I was," She explained as she continued to hug the tree branch.

I hummed thoughtfully, "If I were to tell you to jump down so I could catch you-"

I stopped talking as she gave me an 'are you dumb' look.

I chuckled a bit, "Look. It's getting dark out. Do you not have a phone on you?"

"No," She frowned, "Do you have your phone?"

"I don't," I sighed, "I left my phone to charge at home. Then I took a short walk around the block of my house and saw your footsteps and followed you here."

She groaned, "We're not very responsible people."

"Considering you're stuck in a tree, I'd say we're not," I playfully stated.

She bit her lip, "Can't you return back home and get a ladder or something for me?"

"We're in the middle of the woods," I deadpanned, "My house is thirty minutes away. I'm not leaving you here alone for that long."

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