Haunted (JY)

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So I moved into this house a week ago. Without fail, there have been messages on my mirror written in blood. I honestly thought it was some kind of cruel prank by a sicko.

The messages written in blood though were mainly very bad flirty jokes.

For example, "Are you a beaver? Because Dam."

Or, "If you were a triangle, you'd be acute one."

Turns out it was from a ghost who had died in this house previously. I remember our first encounter.


I love taking hot showers. I turned off my shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I approached my bathroom mirror and used my hand to get rid of the fog on it. What I saw though made me jump back in fright.

It was another girl!

She was in my mirror! I quickly turned around to slap whoever it was but didn't see anything. I looked back into my mirror and saw her as clear as day, exactly where my reflection should be.

"H-Hello?" I murmured.

She waved and gave me a nervous smile, "Hi! I'm Jeongyeon."

I blinked twice before screaming and running out of the bathroom in fear.

End flashback~

Of course, things are different now. I've gotten used to her appearing inside my bathroom mirror. I even vent to her and ask her for advice on certain things.

I eventually remembered about the messages on my mirror written in blood. I asked her about it to which she blushed and revealed that she had written them.

"You did?!" My mouth dropped in shock.

"I mean yeah," Jeongyeon crossed her arms with red cheeks, "Who else would've written them?"

"So... you like me?" I smirked.

She gave me a blank stare, "...Huh?"

"I said-" I cocked my eyebrow.

"Darn! I gotta go...eat. Yes! I need to go eat. Later!" She quickly disappeared from my bathroom mirror.

I'm fairly certain that she told me that because she's a spirit, she doesn't need to eat. I narrowed my eyes into my mirror before leaving my bathroom.

Jeongyeon POV

"That was a close one," I sighed in relief as I saw Y/n exit the bathroom.

I'm not even sure if Y/n fell for my excuse. I mean I can't even exit the bathroom. I've tried many times to leave this bathroom but there's like an invisible barrier preventing me from going. I've lost the concept of time ever since.

Y/n is the only thing that has been keeping me sane.

I guess that's why I fell for her. She keeps me grounded. And she makes me feel safe. Kind of ironic since I've technically been haunting her.

I don't understand why I'm not in Heaven or Hell. Maybe because I'm attached to this place? Or maybe I'm just a lost soul searching for something I'm missing to let me move on from this place.

Unless of course, this is the reality people face when they die. They just get stuck in the same place they die, practically reliving their death over and over again. Until the end of time- which means forever.

I hugged my knees and sank to the bathroom floor.

Now I wish I didn't make Y/n leave. I'm getting too caught up in my thoughts. I just want all of this to end.

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