Suspended (TY)

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Tzuyu POV

"Who did it?!" The vice principal shouted.

I was in the vice principal's office with three other people. We were suspected of breaking one of the classroom windows. The suspects are Momo, Lisa, Y/n, and I.

I flinched as I heard the vice principal scream at us. He was an extremely tall and buff man. Might I say, very intimidating.

Y/n spoke up, "I know who did it."

At this, my eyes widened. Was she going to call me out?

Yes, I was the one who broke the window.

It was completely by accident though and I panicked and ran away before anyone can realize it was me. I wanted to see how high I can kick a soccer ball and it went downhill from there.

I know Y/n saw me do it. She was there when I turned to run away. I didn't think she'd snitch on me though considering we've been dating for a month.

"Who?" Our vice principal leaned close to her.

Y/n looked at each person in the room for a few seconds until her gaze met mine. She let out a sigh and looked at the vice principal, "I did."

I froze. She took the fall for me. Why?

"You did?" The vice principal repeated, "Why am I not surprised?"

"Kind of like how I wasn't surprised when I heard your wife cheated on you," Y/n whispered.

The vice principal didn't hear what Y/n said but Momo, Lisa, and I did. We tried our best to not burst out laughing.

"We're going to need to suspend you," The vice principal claimed.

"Hold up. Suspend? I broke it on accident!" Y/n quickly mentioned.

Guilt started to consume me. I need to speak up and say that it was me. I opened my mouth to say something but Y/n shook her head at me. I frowned and cocked my eyebrow. She just motioned for me not to get involved.

"Yes, but you could've mentioned it sooner. Now we have these three girls in here because of you," The v.p. crossed his arms.

"Still. Suspension? Can't you just give me a week of detention or something?" Y/n proposed.

"My mind is made up. You're suspended for two weeks," The v.p. stated firmly.

"Two weeks?!" Y/n stood up in anger, "I bet you're being hard on me because your wife cheated on you with my father!"

Momo, Lisa, and I let out a gasp at the news.

The v.p. stood up too. He practically towered over Y/n, "Ms. L/n. I assure you I'm punishing you the same way I would punish someone else. Now stay put while I call your dad to come pick you up."

"Don't bother," Y/n spat, "I'm walking home."

"Ms. L/n!" The v.p. called out as Y/n flipped him off and left the office.

Awkward silence now filled the office as the v.p. glared at the door Y/n left from. He seemed to realize the three of us were still in the room and cleared his throat, "You three girls may leave. My apologies for wasting your time."

The three of us immediately grabbed our stuff and bolted out of his office.

"I cannot believe the tea I just heard," Lisa murmured.

"Y/n's punishment is pretty ridiculous," Momo added.

"I'll catch you guys later. I'm going to make sure Y/n is okay," I stated.

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