Jokbal (MM)

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In which the first phrase/sentence you say to your soulmate is written somewhere on their body. In the exact same place where their first sentence/phrase is on your body. Kind of like matching tattoos-except with completely different words.

Momo POV

Everyday after dance practice, I go to this really nice but not expensive restaurant to buy some Jokbal.

Sometimes I wish to marry Jokbal but I know I'll just end up devouring it before the ceremony would begin.

We had just finished rehearsing "Dance the Night Away," and I was starving. Jobal I'm coming for you

I decided to take a shower first before I go to the restaurant because I was slightly sweating.

After shower~

Before I put on my shirt, I looked over the words just above my waist, to the left on my belly button. "Hello beautiful, what can I get for you today?"

I lightly traced the words with my finger. It was in cursive and had a bold font. I was always nervous when there is someone new working the cashier at the restaurant just in case it was my soulmate. But I have yet to come across that situation.

I let out a sigh and finished getting ready. I grabbed a hat and mask to cover parts of my face and went on my way.

"And where do you think you're going?" Nayeon asked as I was about to open the front door.

"The usual. I can hear the Jokbal calling my name," I answered.

"At least take someone with you. What if you get mobbed or kidnapped?" Nayeon worried.

I lifted up my shirt to reveal my abs, "As if someone can beat this?"

Nayeon playfully rolled her eyes, "Either take someone with you or you don't go."

"Fine," I pouted.

Who should I bring with me?


I barged right into Dahyun's room, slamming the door open. It made the only occupant in the room jump in surprise.

"Wanna get Jokbal with me?" I asked her.

"You scared me!" Dahyun stated, "but sure I'll go."

"Yayyy!" I cheered, "let's go."

Time skip

"...What do you mean you're out of Jokbal?!" I questioned.

"Sorry mam but we had a big order earlier today. We sold all of the Jokbal." The cashier relied, apologetically.

Tears started to gather into my eyes.

N-No Jokbal?

Dahyun immediately latched our hands together and guided us out if the restaurant. "Maybe let's go somewhere else?"

I let out a sigh, "Okay."

We used my phone to search up a place that sold Jokbal only to realize there was one right across the street from this restaurant.

"Huh. How have I never noticed it before?" I was perplexed.

"To be fair Unnie," Dahyun said, "once you have your mind set on food you don't pay much attention to anything else."

I scoffed, "What do you mean? I pay attention."

"Oh really? Once Sana was choking on her food and you didn't even notice because you were stealing Jeongyeon's food." She countered.

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