Lay Your Head On Me (MN)

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I hummed to myself as I walked into my apartment. Upon entering, Nayeon was jumping up and down screaming at the top of her lungs.

I'm surprised I'm not deaf yet.

Once she caught sight of me, she ran to me. I watched in horror as she sprinted towards me. Should I run away from her?

Before I can make my decision, Nayeon tackled me to the ground. "Y/n!!"

I groaned in pain as my back hit the wood floor, "Get off of me."

"Guess what?!" Nayeon excitedly yelled, still sitting on me.

"What?" I asked as I tried to smoothly get her off me.

"I got them!" Nayeon squealed.

"That's great Nayeon," I congratulated her.

"You have no idea what I'm talking about do you?" Nayeon scoffed.

"Nope," I answered.

"You are clueless sometimes. Why do you think I'm so excited?" Nayeon raised her eyebrow.

"Nayeon-unnie you get excited over everything. I remember when the ice cream truck was driving around and you actually chased after it," I deadpanned.

"That was a long time ago!" Nayeon defended herself.

"It was a week ago," I smirked.

Nayeon rolled her eyes and got off of me. She held out her hand to help me from the floor, "Sooo onto the thing that I've got."

"What is it?" I questioned as I stood up.

Nayeon's smile came back as she took out her phone to show me, "Look!"

I took hold of her phone and looked at it, "Two tickets to Mina's Concert purchased."

My eyes widened.

No way.

I looked back at Nayeon who was smirking at me.

I immediately hugged Nayeon, "Thank you!!"

She started giggling and hugged me back, "No problem! You get to meet your soulmate! With me of course."

I chuckled and handed back her phone.

"It's tomorrow," Nayeon stated.

"Tomorrow?!" I screamed, "You think you could've mentioned this to me earlier!?"

"I wanted to surprise you," Nayeon smirked.

I started panicking, "What am I going to say? What am I going to wear? How am I going to approach Mina?"

"I figured you were going to freak out," Nayeon chuckled.

"You think?" I rolled my eyes, "I'm totally unprepared!"

"Actually, I already picked out your clothes. So you're covered for that. Approaching Mina and talking to her is going to be on you," Nayeon stated

"Okay," I took a deep breath in, "I got this."

"Yeah you do!" Nayeon cheered, "What's the worst that can happen?"

Almost immediately tons of terrible scenarios came into my head making me grimace.

"That was not a good thing to say," Nayeon acknowledged while scratching her head.

"No. No it wasn't," I agreed.

I shook my head, trying to get the bad scenarios out of my head.

"So where are my clothes at?" I asked her.

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