Reasons Why I Love You (CY)

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Chaeyoung POV

I feel terrible.

The feeling in the pit of my stomach. The sadness in my heart. The coldness of my fingers. I held the body next to me closer. It's just one of those days, I guess. I lightly sighed.

"Something on your mind?" Y/n asked as she turned around to face me.

"...Why do you love me?" I questioned softly.

She looked a bit stunned by my sudden question but immediately grinned brightly, "What's not to love about you?"

I gave her a weak smile, "Can you please be specific?"

She frowned, "Did something happen at work? Did someone call you names or something? Because I will personally beat the-"

"No, no." I quickly held up my hands, "I-I just want to know why you love me."

She softened up and placed one of her hands on my cheek. Then, she looked right into my eyes. As we had eye contact, I saw the unfiltered love and adoration inside her pupils.

She pulled me on top of her and wrapped her hands around my waist. I wrapped my arms around her neck. I leaned down as she leaned up. Our lips met in a soft kiss. She rubbed her hands up and down my back, making me relax.

We pulled away when air became a problem. She gently smiled up at me, "I will tell why I love you..."

I eagerly waited for her answer.

"I love you because even when I'm down, you always manage to cheer me up."

I remember the time when Y/n came home crying because she was incredibly stressed about a huge paper due for her college class. She literally had a mental breakdown because of it. I distracted her with food and even provided input about her essay. When it wasn't enough, I came up with some lame jokes that made Y/n laugh because they were so incredibly terrible.

"I don't trust those trees in front of our house..." I whispered.

Y/n wiped her red eyes, "What? Why?"

"They seem kind of shady," I playfully peeked out of our windows to look at said trees.

Y/n giggled as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. After a couple of more terrible jokes, Y/n had a genuine smile and a dry face.

"I love you because you make me love myself."

Y/n bit her lip nervously as she and I stood in front of the pool. I took off my shirt and shorts to reveal my bikini and was getting ready to dive in when I realized Y/n stood frozen.

"Something wrong?" I questioned softly.

"I don't want you to see me in my bikini," She revealed after a couple seconds of silence, "I've been eating a lot lately... I think I gained-"

I held her hand and pulled her into a kiss, "You will always be beautiful in my eyes. Plus, I've been eating all that food along with you. It's only me and you swimming, so what if we gained a bit?"

She grinned and took off her shorts and shirt to reveal her amazing body.

"I love you because you stand up for me when I can't stand up for myself."

It was highschool. Some girls were bullying Y/n because she was antisocial. I was walking by when I noticed them. I went right up to the bullies and grabbed their shirt collars and pulled them down to meet my eyes. I whispered right into their ears, "You mess with her, you mess with me. I'm letting you know right now that I'm not afraid to go to jail again."

Of course I was bluffing, I've never been to jail but I needed to do something. I glared at them, "You're messing with her because she's shy? Of course she's going to be shy if she has to deal with bitches like you."

With that, I linked my arm with Y/n's and we walked away together without looking back. It was the first time I ever talked to Y/n. I noticed her keep glancing at me every once and a while with a blush on her face.

"I honestly don't think I could ever stop listing reasons why I love you," She softly told me.

Warmth engulfed me as Y/n explained why she loved me. I looked at her in pure happiness and pulled her into a tight hug. She chuckled and hugged me back just as tightly.

I tilted my head at her and grinned, "If you really love me, shout it out to the world."

She cocked her eyebrow and nodded her head before holding my face softly in her hands, "I love you."

I stared at her in confusion, "I said shout it to the world."

She cheekily grinned, "You are my world."

I blushed and hid my face in my hands as I heard her cheesy line.

Y/n laughed and pried my hands off my face, "What? It's true."


Just pure fluff because I'm in a happy mood.

Hope you enjoyed!

Also, Happy 4th of July!


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