Whole Again (?)

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The moon's reflection shown in the pond was quite a sight to see. The park was rather quiet at night but that's what I like about it. There were no paparazzi around at this hour which just means more privacy for me.

I let out a puff and watched as smoke filtered into the air. The cigarette between my fingers was already short from my previous use.

I used my free hand to run my fingers through my hair, a sigh escaping my lips.

The conversation that happened an hour beforehand ran through my mind once again.

"You want to break up?" I looked at Sana, devastated.

"Yes," She nodded her head, "I fell in love with someone else while I was waiting for you to come back from your tour."

The flowers that I was holding out to her dropped on the front porch stoop, "...You don't love me anymore?"

"I'm sorry, Y/n. You just took too long. I really needed someone here for me and you weren't here," She muttered lowly, a hint of sympathy in her eyes, "You were out giving concerts, having the time of your life."

Tears gathered in my eyes, "This is my dream though. To perform in front of others. I asked before I left on my tour if you would wait for me. You said you would."

"I think we both knew I said that because if I didn't, you wouldn't have gone on your tour. You said that performing was your dream. I didn't want to be selfish and get in your way," Sana gently muttered.

"Why didn't you breakup with me beforehand then?" My heart wrenched as I stared at her, a tear slipping down my cheek.

Sana gave me a sad smile, "Because I still loved you. I was hoping that maybe, we would withstand the long distance thing."


The past tense of that word completely broke me.

"So this is it then?" I chuckled bitterly and wiped away my tears.

Sana nodded her head and wiped away tears of her own, "I'm afraid so."

I gently picked up the flowers I dropped and handed them to her. She looked at me in confusion and shock. I gave her a tight-lipped smile, "I bought these flowers for you. Your favorite."

It was a bouquet of red and white roses with an orchid in the middle. She gently took them out of my hand and muttered a thank you.

"Goodbye Sana," I turned around and walked off of her porch.

I could feel Sana staring at me as I left. It took all of my power to not turn around and beg for another chance at a relationship. It would be unfair for her and me.

She already has another person she's in love with and I can't ask her for another chance when I'm going on tour yet again.

I kept walking until I was at the park that was in front of my house.

I glanced at the small stick of cigarette left between my fingers. I rarely smoke. It's only when I really need to get away from reality that I usually slide a cigar from my purse.

The cold air around me didn't bother me as much anymore. I threw the remains of the cigar in a public trashcan and started walking home.

When I was about halfway, my phone started ringing. I saw Mina's face on my screen and somewhat brightened up. Mina is my best friend.

I answered the call and softly muttered, "Minari."

"Y/n!" I can hear her the smile in her voice, "Are you back in Korea yet?"

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