Promises (DY)

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Slight Smut!


Warm kisses were pressed softly against my neck, effectively waking me up.

I smiled and opened my eyes, "Baby?"

I received more kisses and a hum of acknowledgement, "Hmm?"

"Want me to make breakfast?" I questioned as I tilted my neck, giving her more access to my skin.

"Mmm," She started to suck on my pulse point, "I think I'll have you for breakfast."

"I'm still sore from last night," I grunted softly, "Come on. We should get up."

She shook her head, "Nooo. Five more minutes."

I giggled, "Okay, fine. I'll get up then."

I made a move to get out of the bed but Dahyun immediately wrapped her arms around my waist, "Please don't leave me."

"I'm just going to make breakfast, love," I chuckled.

"Please don't leave me," She repeated with a slight tremor in her voice, "Don't leave me when I'm not ready."

A bit startled by the emotion in her voice, I turned around and placed a kiss on her forehead, "Okay."

"I almost lost you once. I can't go through that again," She whispered under my neck.

So that's what this is about.

Two years ago, I had gotten sick. Really, really sick. Four of the five doctors that I was treated by said I most likely wasn't going to make it. It was an emotional ride for Dahyun and I.

There was one specific day where my heartbeat slowed down to the point it stopped beating. The doctor needed to use the defibrillator to correct my heartbeat. The downside was that it took my doctor several times to jumpstart my heart.

He was at it for about a full minute before my heart started beating once again. Dahyun never left my side after that day or the days that followed.

I was so unbelievably grateful that she stuck by me. Although I felt guilty that she never slept well or took care of herself because she was too busy worrying about me.

"I will always be here for you," I lifted Dahyun's chin so our eyes met.

"Good," She muttered and nuzzled herself into my neck.

My hands started to wander around her smooth skin. There were no clothes blocking me because of our fun last night. My hands traveled from her neck, down her back before lightly squeezing her butt.

She lightly groaned.

Taking this as a sign of confirmation, I pinned her down to our bed and pulled the sheets and blankets off of us, taking in her beautiful body.

She lustfully stared back at me. I smiled down at her before leaving passion marks along her neck. She tilted her head, giving me more access. I bit, sucked, and licked her sensitive skin. I marked her everywhere. The sound of her soft moans filled our bedroom.

I captured her lips with mine. She kissed me back and immediately opened her mouth for me, allowing my tongue to slip in with no issues. I explored her mouth thoroughly causing her to moan.

I pulled away and started to pay attention to her bosom. Dahyun combed her fingers through my hair as I started sucking on her mounds. Her skin was so unbelievably soft. I rolled my thumbs on her breasts as I kissed down her stomach.

I made sure to leave no part of her skin untouched. My nails lightly dug into her lower back as I blew on her exposed heat. She gasped at the sensation and thrusted her hips up. I lightly chuckled at her reaction.

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