Mine Pt. 2 (JI)

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Jihyo POV

"You're doing great baby," I soothed.

"Shut up!" Y/n yelled at me. She was gripping my hand so tightly, I'm very certain that she broke it.

"Baby? My hand," I gently mentioned.

She glared at me, "You're worried about your hand while I'm giving birth?!"

Okay, maybe it was a bad time to mention it.

"Just one more big push," Our pack doctor stated.

Y/n was sweating very hard. She followed our doctor's orders and pushed. The sound of crying filled the air and Y/n sighed in relief. Our doctor cleaned off our baby and handed it to Y/n.

Y/n wasn't feeling any contractions or pain anymore so she was acting like her usual gentle self. "It's a girl," She cooed softly.

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "You want to hold her?"

Overwhelming pride and love surged through me as I looked at my two girls, "Of course." I made a move to hold her but then immediately retracted my hand.

"What's wrong?" Y/n asked me worriedly.

"You kind of broke my hand while you gave birth," I chuckled.

"I'm sorry," She started crying.

I frowned, "No, no. It's okay. We're fast healers, remember?"

Despite knowing this, Y/n continued to cry. This in turn, made our baby start crying again. Our baby just entered our world and I already made her cry. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a mom.

The doctor put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a gentle smile, "Y/n's hormones are still all over the place. Don't be too hard on yourself."

I know she's right but how can I not be too hard on myself? It's my job as the alpha to protect both my mate and offspring. Yet, I just made them cry.

Y/n had stopped crying and hummed to soothe our baby. Our baby stopped crying and went back to sleep. Y/n looked up at me and scooted over in her place on the bed, "Come here."

I slowly made my way over to them and layed down next to them. Y/n leaned her head on my shoulder and kissed it.

"I love you," She murmured.

"I love you too," I kissed the top of her head.

My hand already healed itself and I was able to move it. I gently motioned for Y/n to hand me the baby. She carefully gave her to me.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I took a closer look at her. I held her closely to me, afraid that this was a dream. She was so small. I lightly held onto her hand and giggled at her little fingers.

"We made her," I whispered emotionally.

Y/n chuckled, "We sure did. What are we going to name her?"

Hmmm. Well a lot of wolves in our pack are having their own pups which means a tiding of good things to come. I remember my grandma telling me there was a fruit that represented our pack.


I don't think anyone is going take our daughter seriously though if we named her that. Maybe we can use it for a nickname.

"She is so beautiful," Y/n whispered.

"She is. Oh! What about Tzuyu?" I questioned.

"Tzuyu?" Y/n repeated, "I like it."

"You know, Tzuyu means a young, beautiful lady in Chinese," Our pack doctor stated.

"That's why I picked it. Tzuyu?" I looked at Y/n for confirmation.

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